Chapter 3: Roommates

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"Bye! I'll see you guys Monday!" Marinette waved.

"Bye, text me if you need anything. Anything, I mean it! I'll be there." Alya waved.

Marinette laughed and turned to see Adrien beside her which caught her off guard. She still wasn't used to having him lingering around her. She smiled awkwardly and saw him smile back.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Uh... sure." She said. "Let me text my mom and dad."

"You don't have to. My father and Nathalie already had them come over this morning and had them get settled in. They are probably already there." Adrien said.

"O-oh. Alright." Marinette said, following him to his car.

Adrien got in his car and unlocked the doors, letting Marinette inside the passenger seat beside him. She sat inside of it and looked around, it was nicer than anything she ever thought she would sit in. The car was probably more than her college tuition.

"Seatbelt." he smiled.

"Oh, sorry." She said, putting her seatbelt on and seeing him start the car up.

Not long after they started driving toward his home that he grew up in. Adrien pulled into the driveway and parked, getting out he opened the door for Marinette.

They made their way up to the porch and made their way inside. Memories of the past started to flood through her mind as she walked into the foyer.

"Let me go see where you'll be staying, sit tight." Adrien smiled.

"Alright," Marinette said, seeing him dart off toward Gabriel's office.

She could hear distant talking where Adrien had gone and she stood awkwardly in the foyer alone.

"Are you alright Marinette?" Tikki whispered.

"I'm alright... for now." She whispered back.

"I'm glad you're safe." Tikki smiled.

Marinette smiled and nodded at her friend but closed her purse when she heard footsteps coming closer.

Adrien, Gabriel, Sabine, and Tom all came walking into the foyer to meet Marinette.

"Mr. Agreste! Thank you for letting us stay in your home." Marinette said, as politely as she could.

Gabriel smiled and nodded.

"It was nothing. Anything for an old friend of Adrien. Though we do have a problem." He said, with a concerned face.

Marinette turned to face Sabine and Tom who also had worried faces.

"We only have one spare room with one bed," Gabriel said.

"I...uh could... sleep in the middle?" Marinette suggested.

"Marinette... honey." Sabine sighed.

"Marinette can stay in my room. She can stay in my bed, father. I can sleep on the couch I have." Adrien spoke up.

"You would sleep on the couch?" Gabriel raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Marinette and her family have been through so much. It's the least I can do." Adrien smiled.

"Is that alright with you Mr. Dupain and Mrs. Cheng?" Gabriel asked, turning to look at them.

"They are adults. Marinette? Are you alright with that?" Sabine asked, everyone turning to look at Marinette.

Marinette's mind went blank. What was she supposed to say? No, that's weird to sleep in someone else's bed? No, because you're basically kicking someone out of their bed to sleep on the couch? No, so let's go sleep on the streets until they find somewhere else to live? Ugh...

"Yeah, that's fine with me. As long as Adrien... is alright with it." She smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah! That's fine!" Adrien smiled, cheerfully.

"Then it is decided. Adrien? Please show Marinette to your room so she can settle in and maybe... take her shopping for new items since her things burned in the fire." Gabriel said.

Adrien nodded, motioning for Marinette to follow him. Marinette followed him, though still felt a little out of place and uncomfortable, but who wouldn't?

"Mr. and Mrs. Dupain Cheng? Nathalie will help you find anything you need. She will also help you start finding listings in your price range as well as let you know when dinner will be ready." Gabriel said, turning to leave.

"Thank you, Mr. Agreste. We really do appreciate everything you've done for us." Tom said, smiling.

"Don't mention it." He said, disappearing into the next room.

Adrien opened the door and led Marinette into his room. It was still spacious as she remembered, though he had grown up. He no longer had a basketball court in his room or a foosball table. He had video games hooked up to his Tv, as well as a gaming PC.

She didn't think he was such a hardcore gamer but... knew he liked games since he did come over to practice for that tournament that one time. His room was a lot more sophisticated.

"Adrien?" Marinette said in a low whisper.

"Yeah?" He asked, turning around to see her holding her arm as if she were uncomfortable and it hurt him because he had to restrain himself to not go to comfort her like he wanted to so badly.

"Um... You... know how I had a balcony at my house...?" Marinette glanced down at her feet.

"Yeah...?" He said, confused.

"Is there... anyway to get... on the roof? I know that sounds weird but... After the fire. I just like... to..." She said, feeling a little embarrassed.

"You're safe Marinette. Though I understand, over here." Adrien smiled.

Adrien led her to the windows and showed her a way up to the roof that she could easily get to safely. He watched as she sat on the roof and saw how at ease she seemed once she got there.

"Do you like sitting on roofs?" Adrien laughed.

"I... liked my balcony a lot. Yes." She laughed back.

She couldn't tell him that she was scared to get trapped inside again. She also... couldn't tell him that she was hoping Chat noir could find her there. She had no way of contacting Chat noir and letting him know where she was.

The last time she saw him was last night after the fire, he was probably worried to death. She wanted Adrien to think it was her escape. She wanted him to believe that she loved being on the roof so maybe it would be normal for her to be there so maybe... just maybe Chat noir would see her and come to her and make her feel better. All she could do... was hope.

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