Chapter 5: Marinette's boyfriend

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Adrien handed Marinette his old outfit from high school, since it was smaller on him he assumed it would fit her. She put them on and stepped out of the bathroom, a little self-conscious and embarrassed.

Be cool, Adrien. Your girlfriend is in your bedroom. In your clothes. Super cute. Just keep your cool. You're the definition of cool. You're the cat's meow. Crap no! No Chat noir puns allowed here!

"I'm... going to go to sleep now," Marinette said, quickly making her way to Adrien's bed.

"Do they fit alright?" Adrien asked, walking over to the couch and sitting down.

"Y-yes. Thank you. Are you sure you don't want your bed? I can take the couch, you know." Marinette said.

"No, it's alright. The couch is way more comfortable anyhow." He smiled, getting comfortable under the blankets.

Marinette slid under the blankets of Adrien's bed and laid her head on his pillow, taking her pigtails down. She saw Adrien pick up a remote and turn the lights off in the room and they both laid there in silence.

"Marinette?" Adrien asked in the dark.

"Y-yes?" She asked, a little nervous as she saw Tikki fly over to her and lay down beside her.

"If you need anything, let me know. You can be yourself around me. We've been friends for a long time." Adrien said, hoping his words would comfort her, though instead, he heard a sniffle in the dark, which instantly made him feel ten times worse.

"Marinette? Did... I say something to upset you? Are you... crying?" He asked in the darkness.

She didn't respond. He wanted to get up and go to her but again, he wasn't her boyfriend, at least... not right now.

"Marinette?" He asked again.

"I'm... fine Adrien." She said, wiping her tears, trying to steady her voice.

He knew it was a lie, but he also knew that she would come talk to him when she was ready. She just needed time. Adrien frowned in the dark and closed his eyes, going to sleep for the night, knowing that he couldn't do anything for Marinette. He knew she was going to sleep crying.

The following morning Adrien woke up and folded his blankets. He walked over to his bed and saw Marinette asleep still and decided to let her sleep. He stood there for a second and noticed that under her eyes were red and knew that she did in fact cry until she fell asleep. His heart ached. Adrien walked out of the bedroom and talked to Nathalie and asked her to go get her some clothes that day. Nathalie put it on her schedule and Adrien thanked her.

Hours went by and Adrien noticed that Marinette never came down for breakfast. Sabine and Tom were in the living room talking amongst themselves with Adrien's bodyguard. Sabine saw Adrien standing near the doorway watching them and walked to Adrien.

"Where is Marinette?" Sabine asked.

"She's... still asleep." He said. "I think she cried last night."

"She really loved the bakery. She made so many memories there. You could say that when the fire burned everything down... it took all of those memories with them. Give her some time." Sabine smiled, patting Adrien on the back as she walked back to Tom.

Adrien sighed and took some breakfast up to Marinette. He walked inside his bedroom but saw that the bed was empty. He looked around but couldn't find her. He sat the breakfast down on the little table in front of the couch and looked in the bathroom but she wasn't in there either.

Where could she have gone? She couldn't have passed him getting her breakfast, could she? Should he go back downstairs to check?

He heard a thump above him and it instantly clicked. The roof. He remembered that she mentioned that she liked the roof. He climbed up and peeked his head up, to find her sitting on the roof. She had her knees pulled to her chest, just staring out at the city in deep thought.

He smiled and ducked his head back down to grab a blanket, climbing back up a few seconds later.

"There you are." He said, seeing her a little startled.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He smiled.

"It's alright," She said, turning back to look at the city.

He wrapped the blanket around her and sat down beside her.

"You don't have to sit up here with me." She smiled. "I know you have Chinese, piano or fencing or something like that to practice."

"Marinette... it's alright. I'm here to talk. I want to talk." He smiled, looking off at the city as well.

Marinette smiled with a hint of red starting to show on her cheeks but remained quiet.

"I... are you ok?" He asked.

"I'm fi-"

"I know you're not fine." He interrupted her.


"Marinette, we've been friends for how many years? Since we were 14? We're 23. Come on now." He sighed.

"I just miss my home. My parents lost their home. They lost everything. I lost everything." Marinette said, frowning.

"I know it seems that way. Though... you actually didn't lose anything." He smiled, turning to look at her.

"Huh?" She asked, confused.

"You and your family are still here. You still have them as well as your friends. You still have the memories. That place was just a building." Adrien said, gazing at her.

Marinette thought for a moment and smiled, knowing what he was saying was true.

"Thanks, Adrien." She said, hugging him.

Adrien hugged her back and blushed, closing his eyes as he smiled. Marinette let him go and they talked on the rooftop for a little while, and it seemed like Marinette was starting to open up more to Adrien.

"You know... you remind me a lot of someone." She smiled.

"Who?" he asked.

"My boyfriend." She laughed.

"Oh yeah, I know you had one but I never caught his name."

"Hah... uh well... he would like to keep it private. At least for now." She said blushing.

"I can keep a secret." Adrien winked.

"No!" Marinette laughed, pushing Adrien lightly.

He didn't know if it was the way she laughed or the way she lightly pushed him but something about how she teased him made him want her. He took hold of her hand that she pushed him with and pulled her into a kiss. Marinette's eyes flew open in shock and after Adrien realized what he had done, he was met with a smack to the face. His eyes flew open in surprise as the sting from her hand started to prickle his cheek.

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