Chapter 78: Roxie Takes A Bath.

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It's been a day since (F/N) and Paulina got married and made it official, and took down Dan and Aesir for good.

Here we see Roxie watching TV as we then hear the clock ring as (F/N) showed up and saw this.

(F/N): Roxie, Looks like it's about that time o' week again! Bathtime!

Roxie's eyes enlarged, as if to say, "Uh oh…"

(F/N): Come on, Let's go get the water started.

(F/N) walked away expecting Roxie to follow her, but Roxie, in turn, just crossed her arms and turned her head away.

(F/N): You're gonna have to get in that tub, Roxie. Now, Roxie, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, or the medium way, or the semi-hard with a touch of challenging way.

Roxie didn't answer and just went back to watching TV.

(F/N): So that's how you wanna play it, huh?

(F/N) knew it was gonna take some effort getting Roxie into the tub, so she decided to try and entice him into hopping in. She played fetch with him, and Roxie ran after the ball, yelling "MeowMeow

MeowMeowMeowMeow!" The ball then turned around and came hurtling back to (F/N), like a boomerang.

(F/N): Huh? *looked at the box and read* "New boomerang pet ball. Really works!"  *Groaned and threw the box away, only to be hit by it as it came boomeranging back to her.* Ow geez the back of my head!

(F/N) had what she thought was a genius idea next: she strapped a bomb to her stomach and began to panic.


Roxie sighed and didn't obey.

(F/N): Please?

The bomb exploded, and (F/N) was left an ash-covered mess.

We then see (F/N) began circling her hands around like "wax on, wax off," in The Karate Kid (1985).

(F/N): I am now going to assault your mind with subliminal messages.

Roxie saw images of a tub, a running shower, a rubber duckie, a bar of soap, and finally, an  image of Paulina in her underwear. Somehow, (F/N) saw that too, and was shocked.

(F/N): *Walks off screen* Sorry you had to see that.

Next we then see (F/N) pull out her phone and called a fancy French restaurant.

(F/N): *Pulled out her cell phone and called the nearest restaurant* Hello? Fancy French restaurant? I got a naughty one eyesd cat here that won't take a bath!"

The person on the other end was speaking too fast for her to make out what he was saying.

(F/N): *While on the phone* Huh? Could you say that again? Slow down! It's like you're speaking some other language! *angrily hung up*.

Roxie walked away thinking, "I am so done with this crap."

Next we see (F/N)'s new attempt at getting Roxie into the tub.

(F/N): Hey, Roxie! How 'bout some leapfrog! *leaped over  Roxie with ecstasy* Okay, it's your turn!

As soon as Roxie was on the back of her legs, (F/N) arched her back forward, hoping to send Roxie flying off into the bathroom, thereby trapping him inside. Instead, Roxie splattered against the wall.

After taking some time to heal, (F/N) suggested another round of leapfrog, but Roxie, knowing what would happen again, whacked (F/N) in the head with a cane.

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