Chapter 41: Gone Fishin'

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Here in Bellwood, we see a man is on his boat, fishing in the river.

Radio Announcer: And with the robots gone back to Dimension 12 for good, Ben and Jen Tennyson, and new hero Paulina Sanchez, have saved the Earth yet again.

The fisherman turns off the radio.

Fisherman: Yeah, sheesh. *Chuckles* Some folks will believe anything.

He seems to have caught something.

Fisherman: He-Hey!

He reels the fish in using his fishing cable, but the fish and bait are gone.

Fisherman: ARGH, shucks!

A larger ship sails past his boat. All of a sudden, a whirlpool emerges in the water just in front of the ship. The ship gets sucked in. The fisherman's ship also starts slipping towards the whirlpool slowly. The fisherman tries to drive away from the whirlpool but his efforts are futile. He radios for help.


His boat gets sucked into the whirlpool.

Meanwhile, in Undertown, Ben, (F/N), Paulina, Rook, Max and Magister Patelliday are fishing on a boat at Spaceman's Wharf.

Ben: *Bored* Rook, hand me the chips.

After sometime we see (F/N) and the others as Ben is getting bored.

Ben: Aw, man! Since when do we fish in Undertown, Grandpa Max?

Max: Hehe. Are you kidding? You never know what you'll haul in down here. Last time, Patelliday, (F/N), and I caught Nocturnal Pus-Oozers, Sticky Nine-Eyed Eels and Bursting Gelatinous Tilefish. *Patelliday nods in agreement*

(F/N): Now that was a good haul.

Patelliday: And some good eatin'.

Max: Oh, yeah.

Ben: I-I'm fine with catch and release. Too bad I need to catch something first.

Max: Have patience Ben.

Paulina: Yeah, you don't wanna scare off the fish or whatever's down there.

Ben: For how long?

Ben then grabs some bait and looks at it while giving it a squeeze.

Ben: I'm not having any luck Rook *gives his fishing pole and bait to rook* you try this one.

(F/N): *Looks at his hook* Hmm, nothin, *gives his fishing pole and bait  to Paulina* Why don't you try this one too honey.

Rook was using his Proto-Tool's fishing rod mode. He reverts it back to its normal mode and takes Ben's fishing rod and bait and Paulina does the same. Rook and Paulina swing the cable into the water,  and they both wait, and in seconds, they both catch a fish. They both reel the fishes in and catch it with their hands.

Max: Oh, nice catch, Rook!

(F/N): Ooh nice one babe!

Rook: I have succeeded with Ben's choice of bait. *To Ben* You have a genuine knack.

Paulina: I did too thanks to (F/N)'s bait. Thanks hun.

(F/N): Anytime.

Ben: *Annoyed* Give me that.

Ben takes the fishing rod from Rook and tries to pick up a piece of bait. He finds that the box is empty.

Ben: Hey, where's the bait?

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