Chapter 73: Future Talk.

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Here we see team Phantom outside having lunch and (F/N), Paulina and Roxie cuddling each other much to Sam's annoyance.

Sam: Seriously you two?

(F/N): What? We deserve some cuddles after that long class.

Paulina: Yeah, it beats listening to Lancer drone on about Shakespeare.

Roxie: *Barks*

Tucker: They're right, this so beats listing to Lancer.

Danny: Yeah, especially with the extra assignments Lancer gave us.

(F/N): Which me and Paulina got done during study hall.

Sam: Pfft, yeah right, you two probably cheated or something.

Paulina: *Scoffs* No we didn't, we did our work on our own.

(F/N): And helped each other out. Just ask Kiki, she saw everything.

Roxie: *Barks*

Tucker: Works for me.

Sam: Not me.

Danny: Well I believe them.

Sam: *Sighs* Seriously Danny? Why do you always take their side?

Danny: I'm not taking anyone's side, if Jen and Paulina say they did it on their own and helped each other then I believe them.

Sam: Well I don't. And they're hardly ever here either way.

Paulina: That's because we've been busy in Bellwood, fighting evil from Earth or space.

Sam: Righht, of course you have, more like going on dates.

(F/N): Seriously? We've been working our butts off protecting Bellwood and Undertown.

Tucker: Undertown?

(F/N): Alien city, I bought Danny there once and a couple times occasionally.

Tucker: Really?

Danny: Yeah, it's so awesome there.

Sam: Of course it is. And where were you when we had to go on patrol months ago?

(F/N): Oh Danny was with us, on Galvan Prime.

Tucker: You bought Danny on another planet?!

(F/N): Yep, Galvan Prime was under attack by Malware, a techno organic alien, and believe us it took a long time to beat him.

Paulina: Yeah he does not go down easy.

Sam: Yeah right you expect us to believe it.

Tucker: I believe it.

Sam: Okay let me rephrase; You expect me to believe it.

(F/N): Ask Danny.

Danny: It's true, I was on another planet, and it was awesome! And I fought an alien!

Sam: But what about Amity Park? What about fighting ghosts?

Danny: Sam, I fight ghosts every day, fighting an alien on another planet was something else, heh I might consider doing it again.

Sam could only groan in dismay thinking she's losing her friends to not only (F/N), but Paulina too.

Sam: Well I bet they don't like Paulina there.

(F/N): Oh no they do.

Sam: What?

Paulina: It's true, there I'm treated like a homecoming queen and I don't  have to hide who I am, but here I have to keep my identity a secret.

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