Chapter 26: Reign Storm Part 3.

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Here we fade Fade in on a sign. It says 'Amity Park- A Nice Place to Live!'. Unfortunately, that nice place to live is now encased in a ectoplasmic dome with no way out.

Close up, then cut to Casper High. Shift over to the football field where all the cool stuff is happening. We end up right where we were before, how great. We then see Danny and (F/N) fly up and crash into the dome. Valerie flies over to the sword, attempting to grab it, but is pushed away by Fright Knight. She faints as she hits the ground. Her hunter garb retracts, revealing a seriously beaten Valerie. Cut to Danny, (F/N), and Plasmius.

Danny and (F/N): Valerie!

Plasmius: My pawn! *Danny and (F/N) give him an odd look.* I mean, that poor girl.

The two fly down to take a look at Valerie. Their inspection is interrupted by Fright Knight, who says some kind of prophecy-type-thing.

Fright Knight: The sword has sunk, your die now cast, The sword removed shall signal fast. Make reappear- *Cut to Danny and (F/N) they looks terrified* The Ring thou hast- *Cut to Plasmius. He looks even more terrified. Cut back to the Fright Knight* Or your next day shall be your last.

He disappears in a puff of smoke and bats. Plasmius, (F/N), and Danny take cover from the bats. The Skeleton Armies remain motionless. Cut back to Plasmius, (F/N) and Danny.

Danny and (F/N): "The Ring thou hast"?

Vlad shrugs uncertainty.

Maddie: Children of Amity Park! *Out of nowhere, we get a shot of Maddie and Mr. Gray sitting in the FFGAV. Maddie is driving and speaking through a microphone* Report to the safe bosom of the Fenton Family Assault Vehicle!

As the vehicle drives over, it smashes through inert Skeletons. Cut back to Danny and Plasmius once more.

Danny: *Simultaneously with Plasmius* Mom!

(F/N): *Simultaneously with Plasmius* Mrs. Fenton!

Vlad: *Simultaneously with Danny Phantom and (F/N)* Maddie!

Danny, (F/N),  Vlad: I can't let her see me like this!

Danny and (F/N) fly away, Vlad disappears in a puff of pink ectoplasmic smoke. Danny and (F/N) detransforms behind a tree and runs over to Valerie just as Maddie and Mr. Gray do so. The two adults frown at him.

Danny: Uh... She was like that when we got here.

The four bend over her.

Cut to Fenton Works. The Skeleton Armies stand still. A ghost shield covers the house. We hear the news media again.

Tiffany Snow: Welcome back to Big Scary Dome Watch.

Fade to the inside. Sam, Paulina and Tucker are watching the news on a nice TV .We see Tiffany in front of a screen with the dome and the word 'Domewatch'.

Tiffany : I'm Tiffany Snow. We are in our fourth hour of captivity- *Cut to Paulina, Sam and Tuck. They look worried. Obviously* And Amity Park remains cut off from the outside world. *Cut back to the broadcast* With more on that, outside the safety of our studio, is our own Lance Thunder. Lance?

The screen changes to show Lance and some guy with a large drill. The guy with the drill is trying to break through the dome. Close up on this.

Lance Thunder: *To some guy off-screen* Why the heck do I have to do this? I'm a weatherman, for the love uhh.... *Realizing he's on camera* Tiffany, despite the odd circumstances, an eerie calm has fallen over Amity Park, emergency teams still having no luck in piercing the dome. *Cut to some shots proving that the drill guy has some friends, then back to Lance* Wishing he had taken that job in Chicago, this is Lance Thunder, Action News.

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