Chapter 6: Alien Visit.

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Here we see it's another Sunday in Amity Park as we see (F/N) come back into Fenton works.

(F/N): Hey I'm home, sorry for the wait.

Danny: It's okay, where were you?

(F/N): In Florida fixing up houses that were storm damaged. And donating to an animal shelter too followed by a homeless shelter too.

Maddie: Well that was nice of you (F/N). *Walks off*

(F/N): Thanks. And after that I had to do a photoshoot but other than that, it was nothing I couldn't handle.

Danny: Wow, guess being a model isn't easy huh?

(F/N): Nah, well I mean it is but not as easy as being an influencer is. Say, Danny since it is the weekend, wanna go to Bellwood with me?

Danny: Really? Sure I'd love to.

(F/N): Awesome! Wait, you finish all your homework?

Danny: Thanks to your tutoring sessions, I did it in record time.

(F/N): Alright, you check over your answers?

Danny: Twice.

(F/N): Okay then, let's go to Bellwood.

We then see (F/N) and Danny go behind Fentonworks and hop on the Ten speed.

Danny: Woah, sweet ride.

(F/N): Thanks, and before you ask, I'm driving.

Danny: Good call.

We then see (F/N) and Danny hop on the ten speed as Danny holds onto (F/N) by her waist.

(F/N): *In a playful tone* Remember Danny, hands on the waist and nowhere else.

Danny: I know, I know.

We then see (F/N) rev the engine as she and Danny rode off to Bellwood as Jazz saw this through the window.

Jazz: Man they're really into each other.

Meanwhile we see (F/N) and Danny arrive at Bellwood where they arrived at Burger Shack.

(F/N): *Stops the 10 Speed* Ah, So good to be back home, you okay D?

The camera pans to Danny who's hair was a complete mess and hung onto (F/N) for dear life.

Danny: That… was… awesome!

(F/N): Well glad to see you're still alive.

We then see (F/N) and Danny hop off the ten speed both the duo's stomachs grumble.

(F/N): Hungry?

Danny: Yep, you too?

(F/N): Mmhm. *Sees Burger Shack* Wanna get something to eat?

Danny: Sure, I always wanted to try Burger Shack.

(F/N): Awesome. Still don't get why your Burger place is called "Nasty Burger" when the food is good there.

Danny: Well actually it was supposed to be the Tasty Burger, but someone stole the T and put up the N. The owners just went with it.

(F/N): That sounds... comically lazy.

Danny: *Chuckles* Yeah, it does come on.

Meanwhile we see Sam called Danny's house a few times since he never answered his own cell phone. Each time it was the same, and she soon learned this time was no different.

Maddie: *On phone* I'm sorry, Danny isn't here, he's hanging out with (F/N) at her home town in Bellwood.

Hearing that made Sam hang up and grit her teeth. That's when she called Tucker.

Danny Phantom: Alien Phantom HeroWhere stories live. Discover now