Chapter 10: Protecting the pet.

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Here we see (F/N) and Roxie in bed together as we see the blue anubian baskurr wake up and go to (F/N) nuged to her to wake up.

(F/N): *Stirs from her sleep* Mmhmm, *yawns* *Wakes up* *sees Roxie* *pets Roxie* Morning girl, thanks for the wake up.

Roxie: *Barks*

(F/N): I know, I'll get you your breakfast. Hm, you like bacon right?

Roxie: *Barks yes*

(F/N): Alright, bacon it is. And some beef bites too, you chicken right?

Roxie: *Barks yes*

(F/N): Awesome, *Pets Roxie* Now let's get some grub.

We later see the duo at the kitchen eating breakfast and Roxie eating her breakfast which was meat and dog food made specifically for Roxie.

(F/N): *Eating cereal* Mm, can't go wrong with the classics.

Jazz: I can't believe you bought… a stray dog with you.

(F/N): She's not just a stray dog Jazz, she's family. There's a difference.

Jazz: What difference? Roxie is a pet.

(F/N): Family. And the last thing I want is Roxie getting hurt on my watch. Plus I've always been more of a dog person than a cat person.

Jazz: *In her head* A dog person too? Oh she is soo dating Danny.

Later that day we see (F/N) down in the Fenton Lab working on something for Roxie, which was some sort of red and silver. The symbol looks like an open mouth with sharp teeth. After creating the device, (F/N) programmed various types of alien predatory DNA into it, this was the Nemetrix, only this one was gonna be used for good.

(F/N): There we go.

Just then we see Danny come in and see what (F/N) made.

Danny: Hey Jen, what are you doing?

(F/N): I just made a special invention for Roxie to defend herself with.

Danny: Nice, but why?

(F/N): After that rude fight with Skulker, I want Roxie to be safe, which is why I made this, *shows the Nemetrix*

Danny: Woah, it's an Omnitrix?

(F/N): Nemetrix actually, it's a knock off version of the Omnitrix. It contains alien predatory DNA.

Danny: Nice, when do I get to test it out?

(F/N): Woah, woah, slow down dude, the Nemetrix only works with non-sapient creatures like Roxie. *Sees Danny's confused look* It can only work with animals.

Danny: Oh gotcha, but why?

(F/N): The last time I saw the Nemetrix being used on a person was my grandpa's old partner and let's just say it did not go so well…

Danny: Ohhh, gotcha.  But are you sure this is gonna work?

(F/N): I'm positive, I have a technological memory.

(F/N) then put the Nemetrix onto Roxie's collar as she looked at it curiously.

Roxie: *Barks questioningly*

(F/N): I know this looks a little weird Roxie but it's to protect you. Now, and if you can, think of a Biglizard.

Roxie then focused as much as she could as she then glowed red and turned into Biglizard as she roared.

Danny: Woah!

(F/N): Awesome! I'm a genius!

Roxie: *As Buglizard* *Roars*

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