Chapter 35: The Fenton Menace.

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Here we open with a view of the open desert, panning across to the road where the Fenton GAV is speeding and swerving on the cliff side road.

We Cut to Jack driving furiously while drinking soda from a drinking hat and Maddie sitting shotgun looking excited. Cut to Jazz and sitting in the back with a death grip on the seat.

Jazz (voiceover): Do you know how sometimes you feel like you're the only responsible person in your family?

Jazz sways with the vehicle as it drives haphazardly. Cut to the exterior of GAV as ecto-blasts hit behind it. Jazz pops her head out from the rear window looking scared.

Jazz (voiceover): Well, there are days my family makes me feel like I'm the only responsible adult in the world.

(F/N) (Voiceover): You only think you're an adult Spazmine.

Jazz (Voiceover): I'm not a spazz!

(F/N) (Voiceover): Yeah keep telling yourself that, whatever helps you sleep at night spazzy.

Jazz gasps as the GAV narrowly misses getting hit by ecto-blasts and mana blasts.

Jazz: *Yelling to her parents in the front* Guys! Pay attention to the road!

In the front the stereo is blasting music on maximum volume.

Jack and Maddie: What?!

An ecto and mana blast hits near the wheels. Jack swerves and both he and Maddie gasp. Jazz runs to the front of the GAV.

Jazz (voiceover): After all, since I learned Danny and (F/N)'s secret...

Jack, Jazz and Maddie look out the front window and see Danny and Dannie Phantom blasting at air and being dragged around by seemingly nothing.

Danny and (F/N) grunts as they fight an invisible force and blasts around the GAV. Something pulls their legs and flings them around. Danny and (F/N) free themselves and blasts at the canyon walls, causing rocks to fall on the road.

Jazz (voiceover): I promised myself I wouldn't let anyone know. Mom. Dad. Even Danny and (F/N) Unless their lives depended on it. Well guess what? *Danny and (F/N) falling uncontrollably towards the GAV.* It looks like that time has come!

Jack, Jazz and Maddie: Look out!

Jazz (voiceover): You know how regular kids freak out because of a pop quiz or a pimple? *Cut to Danny and (F/N) fighting an invisible ghost and shooting ecto-blasts everywhere* Well my brother Danny and my sister (F/N) have other pressures.

Danny and (F/N) are screaming and are flung towards the GAV and Jazz, Jack and Maddie scream.

Jazz (voiceover): But I'm getting ahead of myself. *Freeze frame right before Danny and (F/N) hit the windshield. Cut to a view of a large body of water on a sunny day.* I guess it all started on a typical Fenton family outing.

The camera pans to show a Fenton sub-aquatic vehicle. Inside, Maddie pops up.

Maddie: Nothing like spending quality family time (zoom out to show Danny, (F/N), Roxie, Jack and Jazz) with the people you love.

Maddie pushes a button and the display says "DIVE. The vehicle drops underwater. Cut to a brief exterior view of the vehicle underwater. Cut to the interior, panning from the front with Jack, who is driving, and Maddie to the back with Danny and Jazz. Danny is sitting nervously while Jazz looks resigned.

Jazz: And by quality time you mean hunting down ghosts in a sub-aquatic death trap?

Jack: You betcha Jazzy Pants! Whether it's air land or sea I won't stop until we capture a ghost and tear it apart. Molecule by molecule.

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