Chapter 27: Reign Storm Part 4

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Here we fade in on Fenton Works. A lot of people congregate outside, looking on in fear. Jazz steps outside, bringing cookies (but no tea...). One guy takes one.

We then saw Valerie fly straight into Danny's room. She drops Vlad into a chair, Danny on the bed, and (F/N) next to him too, and then retracts her outfit and hoverboard. She now seems more beat than before.

Valerie: *Extremely worn out* Maybe I'll just rest...for a second.

She faints. Soon after she does, Vlad wakes up. He sees Danny, (F/N), and Valerie, both out cold. And his first thought?

Vlad: The Ring! *Close-up on Valerie's hand.* It's gone!

Vlad hears Jack and Maddie coming. He turns invisible as they open the door.

Jack: Ah, y'see? I told you they were up here! What do the kids call it... Hanging out!

They close the door. Soon after they do, Danny and (F/N) wake up. He sees Valerie and gasps. Vlad, invisible, phases away through the floor.

Cut to the basement. The mystery of the missing tea is solved, along with the mystery of where Sam and Tuck have been all this time.

Sam: I'm getting worried. *Vlad phases out behind them* We haven't seen Danny, (F/N), or Valerie in hours.

Paulina: I hope they're okay.

Jack: Ah, they're fine. *Jack emerges from the steps. Gradual close-up on his face as he talks*  They've been up in Danny's room. Alone. for hours.

Closeup of Sam's feet. Sam drops her teacup, breaking it. (I can read Sam's mind once again, and once again I won't tell you what I see. But it is pretty cramped in there.) She, Paulina, and Tucker run upstairs at top speed. Jack just shrugs.

Cut to Danny's room. Sam, Paulina and Tucker burst in, much to Danny's and (F/N)'s surprise.

Sam: Danny! You're okay!

Paulina: (F/N) you're alive!

Cut to Valerie, still out cold.

Sam: Whoa. What happened to her?

Danny You name it. Fright Knight, Ghost King, Vlad- *He puts his hand on her forehead*

(F/N): All of our enemies. Everything we thought we could handle, but couldn't.

Danny removes his hand. Sam, Paulina and Tucker come closer.

Tucker: Dudes, you two can't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault.

Paulina: Yeah, it's like you bought them onto this, you two did what you both could do. It's not your fault.

Danny's and (F/N)'s expression changes from worried and guilty to angry.

Danny: Maybe not. But it is our responsibility.

(F/N) and Danny  stand up and transform. They grab their friends, turn all of them intangible, and phase through the floor into the basement. Down there, many 'authority' figures are gathered, including Sam's parents (authority...hah.), Mr. Foley (if his name turns out to be Axel I'm going to flip), the Mayor, and the police, among others. Also there are Jack and Maddie, standing by some big thing covered in tarp.'

Maddie: And while the Ecto-Skeleton can enhance your natural abilities one-hundred fold- *She pulls away the tarp, revealing the finished Ecto-Skeleton* Using it could be fatal.

Cut to Jack.

Jack: Which is exactly why I'll be using it. Because if the suit's going to be killing anyone, it's gonna be me.

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