Chapter 61: (F/N) Meets The Strangler.

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Here we see (F/N) is at school waiting to punch the clock.

(F/N): *standing in front of the punch clock, waiting for it to reach 8:00* Wait for it... *(F/N) gets impatient. The second hand stops a second before 8:00, shocking (F/N). The second hand then touches 12, becoming 8:00. (F/N) happily punches in then jumps in the air. The scene pauses him in mid-air*

Automated Voice: On Time Percentage: 100%.

The scene starts again. Sam walks up to the time clock

Sam: Another day, another migraine. *She laughs sheepishly at the audience, then punches in* Mi... *scene pauses again*

Automated voice: On Time Percentage: 12%. *the screen un-pauses*

Sam: ...graine. Heh, heh, heh.

(F/N): Ahh, isn't it great working at the Krusty Krab, Sam? Huh? Isn't it? Working here?

Sam: Yeah, great.

(F/N): Yeah.

Sam: Yeah.

(F/N): Oh, yeah.

Sam: *getting annoyed* Yes!

(F/N): Hold that thought, Sam. I'm due in the parking lot for early-morning litter patrol. May the Celestial Sapiens shine brightly on my harvest. *laughs. (F/N) walks out with a bag and a long, pointy tool* Litter. *picks up trash* Looks like someone missed the trash basket, huh, Mr. Candy Wrapper? *laughs* Kids these days. *another piece of trash falls to the ground next to him. He gasps and he picks up the trash* I've never seen such an epidemic! Well, at least it's all over now. Huh? Huh?! Huh? *more trash keeps falling to the ground around him and he picks them up quickly. He breathes, exhausted, as one more piece of litter falls down attached to a parachute. He gets infuriated* Where is all this litter coming from?! *(F/N) notices someone tossing trash out of a car. (F/N)'s eyes turn to a crumpled paper falling to the ground* Not on my watch. *walks up to the car* Sir, I will have you know it's against the law to litter.

Strangler: Ha! What're you gonna do, call the police? *police arrive*

(F/N): Yes. *police begin to handcuff the Strangler. They walk past her in single-file and continue cuffing him*

Sam: How's it going, Lieutenant?

(F/N): Well, let's just say I hope our litterbug there saved room for his just desserts. *laughs* Yeah, just desserts.

Sam: Whatever. Huh? *notices the Strangler* (F/N), don't you know who that is?

(F/N): Who?

Sam: That's the Tattletale Strangler.

(F/N): Who?

Sam: The Tattletale Strangler! *gives (F/N) a "WANTED" poster of the Strangler* He's promised to strangle anyone who turns him in! *Strangler growls. (F/N) and Sam are scared*

(F/N): He seems kind of angry with us, eh, Sam? *Sam's gone* Sam? Sam!

Officer Johnson: You're gonna do time, Strangler. Hard time. *(F/N) walks up to the police*

(F/N): Hi, officers. So, he's going to jail, right?

Officer Nancy: Who, Strangler?

(F/N): Yeah, Strangler.

Officer Nancy: Oh, yeah, he's going to jail for a long time. *Strangler draws on the back of the driver's seat headrest, and flips it to reveal an exact likeness of (F/N)'s face*

(F/N): Hey, that looks like me! *Strangler growls and mangles the headrest, "killing" the (F/N) drawing, and chuckles evilly. (F/N) screams*

Officer Nancy: Don't worry, (F/N). He won't be able to strangle you.

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