69 | into the dream world

Start from the beginning

"You're right," You didn't deny, "I got that bloodline from my mother. Our dad... To put it bluntly... Was a whore. I'd like to blame him for the way I turned out, but I feel it's entirely my fault... I bet, if Rogue knew him too, he would've hated him, too." You informed. 

"... I don't care about your whore father! If you hardly knew the guy, there was no way you could unlock your Poltigan through killing him... So no matter who you killed, you're just some sick freak! So don't speak on him so lightly!" His reason for hating you so much was starting to make some sense now.

He thought you killed his best friend, and even though you debunked it--you still gave yourself a nasty look by, in other words, admitting you had killed someone close to you in order to get the eyes you had now. Which wasn't wrong, because despite them not actually being a result of your hard work--you had gotten them by killing your own sister.

Which was something you never wanted to admit. It left a bad taste on your tongue and you couldn't live with your own guilt--and even if you admitted that you killed your sister, there were no records of her. They'd probably think that it was Wendy you killed, considering you had her powers. 

Though, now it felt like Wendy's power wasn't yours anymore. At least not after getting a seal placed on you with the intent of taking them away.

"Diaval, are you there?" You asked in a small whisper--trying to reach out for the one that had been there your entire life. He got on your nerves, he took advantage of your childhood naivety, and had made a fool out of you so many more times than you could count. When you were by yourself, sitting in the darkness of your bedroom in your small apartment--drowning in your own melancholy loneliness. 

You always thought back to mistakes and things you could've or should've done--and there was no one there to help. But you were never alone. 

Diaval was always there for you. 

"I need your help." You tried again. You couldn't even hear yourself, which meant Rogue couldn't. But you really, really hoped Diaval was still there. The other two were strong, but their strength was never yours. Never truly connected or helped you out like Diaval had, even if he was a little shit back when you were younger. 

'I'm here,' He replied to you. He felt distant when his voice was usually so grating and close--he felt distant now. 'You're finally asking me for something this time, huh?' He chuckled. It was a direct jab of the words he had told you your entire life. 'You never asked', and it was true. You kind of just expected it from the old fart dragon, but now felt like a good time for gratitude.

'Thank you for everything', you managed to reply to him mentally. Without the need for Kokuju in the mix to send and deliver messages. 'Are the others.. Gone?'

'Not yet.' Diaval responded. 'I have to push them out so that he won't reach me, though. They'll definitely be gone soon. They can't say goodbye like you sound like you're planning too.'

'I guess I was planning that... I don't know.' You answered. 'If he takes you away, and even if I didn't die as a result, who would I be without you?'

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