-Fun Facts-

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So......... Athena's story is truly finished unless I have a surprising idea that is too wow and I absolutely must write it down.

But the fun facts... Those I still think about so...

This chapter, this specific one, will get updates each time I have a new random fun fact/my new headcanons about the characters in this book and since I am writing this now that means I have a few I wanna share, ideas that don't fit together and can't really have a normal chapter to them.

Each time I'll precise the date I added the facts and will separate them with -----s in case some of you come back once in a while to check it out lol.


November 29th 2023

1: This is what is my new headcanon for Athena's voice and also something she could have sang to her brother or anyone else she cared for while she could speak.

2: I realized Ares never told Athena just how much he looks up to her.

3: I was just thinking about this but I don't think Athena would want a tomb. She'd probably have a will to be cremated or something, put on a boat and set out on the ocean to join her brother.

4: And talking about death, I am more then certain she'd die first after all she went through and what she put herself through.


November 30th 2023

The body armor Cato wore, the armor because of which he survived his mauling so long, was something Athena sent into the arena.


December 14th 2023

I just listened to this song with Odysseus and Athena from Greek mythos and thought originally, while thinking of my ocs, it was Athena as Odysseus and Ares as Athena but listening to it more since then I believe it fits more to imagine this as Athena's younger self before the games as the goddess Athena and Athena after all that went down but before the end of the revolution as mortal Odysseus.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now