-Leap Of Faith-

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(Fun fact: This song quite fits Athena and Cato... The song is about the goddess Athena and a warrior she trains after all.)

"What.... The.... Fuck?!"

"I'll explain I'll explain."


"Now be nice and don't burn down the house." Athena said, dusting down Cato's clothes.

"I hate how you always need to leave." He groaned.

"Better learn to love it Munchkin, as a victor, you'll be attending a lot of events and parties like I do but if Snow ever offers you the role of a Capitol sweetheart always say no, got it?" She didn't want to tell him what it was. "Always being bothered and called around." But he'll have the technically option to refuse if ever asked too since as a victor, she is safe from a lot that could be done to her if Cato disagreed with Snow.

"Yeah, you constantly leave me because of that, the hell if I'd ever agree to that." He said, so naive about what that meant but it still made her happy.

"I'll be back in a while, foods already packed and in the fridge, just heat it up."

"Bye Athy."

"Bye." She chuckled and left the home, slightly wavy smile, he didn't even question her normal district 2 outfit, did he think when she left home it was always for that? She isn't even dressed for the Capitol... She'll worry about that later.

She jogged away as she pulled her hood on to hide her face.

"Mission infiltration on the go." She told herself with a smirk.

The boarder was quite heavily guarded, not a surprise after all. Looking at the huge wall next with razor wire across the top. It was a double wall, the train track going on between them.

Athena suspected that before the revolution they see in the video  at each reaping, that this part of 2 was 7's, the rest of two is mountainous and stony, grey, but this boarder corner had pin trees that blanket 7 grow in it.

She peeked out behind a tree, watching the patrol walk passed, usually no one even got as near too the wall anyway, the fear of it all, Athena suspected that was the only reason they didn't get rid of the trees.

She flexed her hands to bring the claws out and grabbed the bark, stabbing them deep in before reaching higher and doing it again, climbing by bracing her feet in the little notches she created by breaking the bark off.

Slightly out of breath when she go to the branches, she is shouldn't neglect training, she might be a victor but she can't let her body go.

"Stupid smoking." She muttered, that too, make her lose her breath easier but she couldn't help it, she long ago told herself the lie all smokers tell themselves, that she'll be able to stop when she wanted it.

She climbed on a higher branch, one on which she considered herself hidden from view.

Slowly standing up, arms out as she balanced while walking across it.

She stepped near too the end, not daring to go to the very edge, the branch already bending under her weight as it is.

Sweat dripping down her back as she eyed the nearest opposing branch, can it hold her weight? Will they see her? What will happen?

Athena shook her head, concentrate dammit.

She looked down, seeing the wide gap of the train track, if she falls she'll be trapped there until a train runs her over, dies of the probable injury such a fall would cause or could get shot if a peacekeeper sees her but she might make it across without problem.... A lose-lose-lose-win situation and she was still taking those 1/4th chances fully.

She knew the train schedule, all knew, outside of the reapings these lines were used to transport resources, so hearing the train near wasn't a surprise.

She wobbled a bit as it past under her and the wind gust unbalanced her but she took a breath.

She looked ahead, this was a leap of faith, putting all her trust in the strength of her fingers and the branch.

She crouched slightly before throwing herself across in the longest leap possible.

Claws sinking in the branch as she whipped out under it, fingers much stronger then any normal person, able to hold her weight easily, pulling herself up and scooting across the branch on her ass.

She grinned, wiping the sweat, the train's sound covered that of her temporary struggle.

She sat against the trunk before climbing to her feet and reaching around the trunk with a leg and stepping on a branch, transferring her weight to it.


"And I made my way away from it until I knew I could safely climb down."

"You illegally crossed the boarder!!"

"Jeez and I thought you'd be happy to see me little wolf." Athena chuckled.

"I should put my axe in your face." Johanna finally yanked her in the house and slammed the door, realizing people could have still spotted her. "Is that why you asked me where I lived?!" She asked after locking the door.

"Partially, I really was just being curious, this was a fleeting idea I grabbed on." She looked around. "Cozy." She said with a smile, the walls a warm wood orange with brown strips going vertically, she couldn't see much of her house from here but yeah, it already looked cozy.

"Oh my god we are going to die." Johanna smacked her own head. "You idiot."

"Oops?" Athena laughed with a shrug. "I took my chance since 2's victor village it not that far from the boarder, like a half hour speed walk, I was a bit slower then that of course but yeah." another shrug. "At minimum I am here until tonight's train delivery, I need it to cover the sound the tree and my jump makes... Unless you want to rat me out of course and get me in trouble but I don't think you would, you like me too much for that little wolf.... I hope."

"Oh my god." Johanna covered her face, truly wanting to murder this woman but ending up laughing loudly at the absurdity of this all, it was contagious, making Athena chuckle a little as she smiled.

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