-Gods Of War-

710 20 4

(Fun fact: I named Ares as that because Athena is Athena, knowing that maybe I wanted them to fight and both are names of gods of war.... And geez, last chapter and this one are twice the size of an average one, enjoy.)


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"Athena this is madness!" Johanna whispered as she held a gauntlet while Athena pulled the other one off, looking at herown scarred up hands.

"I-T     W-I-L-L    B-E     F-I-N-E" She said before turning away, not shrugging off the hoodie or anything while Ares had gone all out bare chest in the rain. "I-L-L     P-R-O-T-E-C-T      Y-O-U      A-L-L"

And Johanna was scared, if Athena's crazed smiled was something to go off of, then this would be a mess.

"Please reconsider."

She fixed her hairdo despite the rain the soaked through everything and it taking a moment since she didn't feel her fingers and without the gauntlets the tremors and consequences peaked through.

Despite the sloshing rain, neither had moved out of it, staring each other down.

"Don't interfere 7." Ares called out. "This is between the Capitol and the rebels, between me and her."

"You are facing death Athena, stop smiling dammit!" Johanna said in worry.

"Oh please." Ares smiled at Athena, almost sporting the same smile. "We all know this is 2! Death smiles at us all, but all a man can do, is smile back."

(Sorry but like, I saw this picture and I can't imagine Athena's smile as anything else but this.)


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Athena long thought of running and even if she knew they couldn't run thought of an exit.... But what is she didn't run anymore?

What if she is not a coward like how her heart begs to be?

What if she want them to kill her? 

What if she want them to try?

All of that creates a monster, the foolish abandon of a mindless mutt, let Ares come and let him taste defeat.

"Are you already scared? Shaking in your boots?" He asked, making her tremors but he only got a deeper smile, lets spill his blood.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt