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(Fun fact: Surprisingly for this story it is not a case of Oc falling in love and then Johanna or both same time, it is Johanna first and Oc just falling away harder.)

Athena let it ring twice before she got up and walked too the phone.

Finnick wouldn't call until one month or two after the games, usually spending the time reminding Annie that all was fine and he was safe, the poor girl couldn't get it out of her mind that he was not being reaped year after year after year.

And if it was the Capitol calling it usually had that sickening chime to it that changed from normal to show how they were important.

She grabbed the landline and lifted it.


She then heard something hit the ground throw the speaker and a muffled cuss, she lifted a brow.

"Oh hi it's you."

"Johanna?" Athena sounded way more surprise then she felt.... Or maybe not, she was stumped.

"Finnick, he gave me a number, telling me I'd be happy or some shit, I wanted to test if it was not a prank of his."

Athena grinned, the younger victor sounding as surprised as she was, she turned her back too the counter and pulled herself on it, sitting criss-cross despite getting mud around, she's the one to clean up anyway.

"Awe how thoughtful of him to say I make you happy."

"That's not what I said."

"That's what you meant tho, the you'll be happy or some shit, I am honored."

"I'll hang up."

"I dare you, I now know your number, I'll just call back until you pick up."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me little wolf."

There was silence for a moment followed by the muffled snort of a laugh, it made Athena smile more.

"I'd quite literally go mad if that became my life."

"I am not that bad." She leaned back against the wall. "So why call now? Bored?"

"Well yeah, storming."

"There too?"

"Our districts are not that far from each other, they literally have a touching boarder."

"That's fair. Hope you are inside and not rolling in the mud."

"Ha ha, funny." Athena could imagine the eye rolls. "I hope you aren't either."

"Well my brother was, training him and all, I don't know how I will clean out his clothes and my pants, it seems mud became a part of them."

"You idiot, don't catch a cold or anything, you can't leave me with the other idiots."

"Trust me, if I get sick from a little cold it will not last until the next reapings, if it did it would be a miracle as it would be a year long cold."

"Shut up."

"You started this."

"I said shut up.... How's the arms?"

"Well you read the spray's instructions, you should know."

"Goddamn, can't I just ask?"

Athena smiled softer.

"Right right, just messing with you." She looked at her arms. "Perfectly fine, nothing is left."

"That's good."

"Mhm.... Hey? Odd question I know but you know how Panem looks, where do you live in district 7?"

"Will you send a hit squad on me?"



"Will that be my nickname little wolf?"

"If you don't stop then yes."

Athena laughed.

"I was just being curious."

"Near the boarder with you Miss curious."

(Still using this map)

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

(Still using this map)

"That is one where the train passes so I suppose it should have been obvious, wanting to make it easier to pick up the victors and the tributes."


Athena grinned.

"Athy!" She heard Cato and she sighed, he probably broke something.

"I gotta go little wolf, Cato is calling for help and that never means anything good."

Hearing the other girl laugh made her smile, Johanna was more often then not angry or annoyed since she met her, she was happy to make her smile.

"Alright, talk too you another time?"

"Sure, feel free to call, I'll try to answer tho I can't promise I'll always be here."

"Mhm Miss Captiol's sweetheart."

Athena gulped, many people don't know what that entails, since Johanna had pissed off Snow and he killed her family she never learned that it was basically a fancy name for the children prostituted by them.

"What can I say?" She said with more cheer then she felt, it actually felt like a noose pulling tight around her throat, just waiting for her to step the wrong way to snap her neck, that collar she was forced to wear became her noose in the worst moments. "I am liked by them."

"Suck up."

"I at least get sponsors."

"I don't care."


"Okay I really must go before Cato floods us out, bye."


She hung up and ran up the stairs two by two.

"How the hell?!" She yelled, the washing machine giving up its soul as water and soap came out of places it shouldn't as Cato stood in his underwear. 

"I just put my clothes in!" He yelled back in panic, trying to turn it off before Athena got an aneurysm and at the moment she wished she'd get one. 

"I'll sell you too the zoo!" She promised.


Johanna stared at the phone after she hung up.

She felt quite lucky Athena couldn't see the red of her face currently or she would have buried herself six feet under.

But at the same time she was quite happy that it had turned out this way, seems Finnick wasn't playing with her.

"I guess one good thing came out of this hell." She told herself, the house feeling slightly less empty at the moment, smiling. "But I do wonder.... What the hell did Cato do?"

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz