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Athena looked at the outfit she was made to wear.

It was a full body suit that covered her, leaving only her neck and up uncovered but it felt breathable.

She grinned a little, expecting a hot water environment for this type of suits which was better, she'd have hated another icy one, she could work with that.

She flexed her hand, shaking her body out and taking a breath, despite it all, this was still stepping back into an arena and one she didn't plan on surviving.

"I'm coming Munchkin, it will just be a bit longer." She said, grabbing the pendant she took as her token.

She stepped into the tube, no one there to see her off, why would there be? She is from 2 and she is planning on going off alone to fulfill her plan and then laying down her life for Johanna, that can't be done in the career pack.

The tube closed with a loud 'shiiiiiii' as she turned around before the ground started rising.

When the hatch opened above her, she was instantly blinded, squinting her eyes.

She had it right, behind her was a white sand beach and a luscious green forest, the air was heavy with salty water vapor and the heat around them and around her was water with black rock walkways every two tributes. 

This was a tropical nightmare.

Did the Capitol want Finnick to win? In this environment he would be the most at home.... He does already listen, he is also a sweetheart but he didn't rebel, he listens and will always listen.... So maybe.

She heard the count down, bending over, hands on the ledge of her platform, looking at the stone path, she can't instantly go against careers, not until the bloodbath is over, that would be too complicated... Just that little time, she'll play pack.


She dove into the water, swimming towards the nearest rock path too her.

She looked up, Cashmere already climbing up and holding a hand out to her, thinking they'd team up, she played on, grabbing hers and letting her help up before both sprinted too the middle.

She ran inside, looking for her weapons before quickly grabbing the gauntlets she came to be used too, tightening them fast and tying a sheath for a familiar blade around her hips.

She ran inside, looking for her weapons before quickly grabbing the gauntlets she came to be used too, tightening them fast and tying a sheath for a familiar blade around her hips

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When she stepped out, whipping her head around, a grin came on her face as Katniss stared her down, terrified suddenly.

"Everdeen!" She sprinted, Finnick was in the way, picking up a trident so she shoved him down.

In a stumble, she tried to avoid the hurriedly shot arrow but it stuck into her stomach, lower left and a little diagonally, feeling the impact in had on the hip bone before the tip exited her body.

But before another could be loaded, Athena bodychecked Katniss, stealing her breath as the victors elbow dug into the girl's stomach.

It was a painful impact on the ground as she quickly swung the held arrow up, hoping to catch something as Athena had straddled her to hold her down.

Athena grabbed her hand, the arrow tip hovering above her face as she lifted her claws with so much joy as she twisted the arrow out of her hand and used that hand to grab her throat as Katniss tried to claw at the gauntlet but it did no damage.

"I dreamt of this moment for so long!"

But before she could, arms wrapped around her and threw her off.

Athena hissed, landing on her hurting side as the fall ended with her legs hanging in the water as she caught herself on the rock, the fletching and part hanging out front twisting and forcing on the wound as it was a metal arrows.

"What the fuck Finnick!?" She yelled, looking up at him.

"I will not let you hurt my ally so knock it off!" He said, aiming a trident as her and a hand out to sooth Katniss and keep her from shooting the taunt bow. "Both of you knock it off! Please! Athena is my friend! And Katniss is my ally! I know you want to kill her but please!"

Athena glared at him before pulling herself out of the water.

"She almost pulled out my throat!" Katniss yelled, pulling more on the arrow as Finnick got more between them both as Athena stood.

"Pulled out your throat?!" Athena yelled at the claim.

She quickly ducked around Finnick and kicked up, sending the bow aside as she snapped her hand out passed Katniss' head.

Katniss froze for a moment before looking at the gurgle coming from behind her, seeing the face of a man, frozen as he dropped the knife he held over his head, blood pulling from his mouth as Athena's claws were deep into his throat before she yanked and the gaping hole opened up, spraying Katniss with blood.

"This." She said, watching the body fall over and tumble into the water. "This is how you pull a throat out, I just squeezed yours, learn the difference." She spat in her face, annoyed and yet amused as she was instructing her on how to inflict harm. "That's how you pull out a throat and that's what I'll do unless you succeed with the arrows but well, I won't let you. You could also kill but cutting into the ribs, collapsing a lung."

"Athena! It is not the time to teach Katniss how to kill!" Finnick yelled. "We need to find Peeta."

"You just brought yourself a few hours." Athena spat, stepping around Katniss. "Lover boy! Where are you?!" She yelled, going the opposite way of Finnick, despite him being who threw Cato off the safe place, it was Katniss that shot, antagonized and hurt him several time, she could bare Peeta living a bit longer then she could with her.

She walked around, seeing Mags almost crying in worry.

"Mags!" She ran up and the old woman grabbed her arm, pointing into the water.

Peeta seemed to be struggling to swim while also wrestling with another tribute, hanging on his podium for dear life.

"The things I do for my friends." Athena took a one step running start as she discarded the belt and sheath, making Mags hold it and dive into the water.

She grabbed the shoulder of the tribute and gave a hard punch, her strength and the metal of the gauntlet shocking, making him let go of Peeta, Athena grabbing him in a chock hold, the arrow twisting more, she should have just yanked that out before, the salt water a torture on the open wound but also disinfectant as she knew.

The tribute hit back but she ducked her head against her hands making him only be able to hit the back of it.

"Do not antagonize her, you are flying by the skin of your teeth." Finnick warned Katniss about her miraculously surviving Athena's wrath. "Now come."

He soon joined Mags who, despite being quite weak, tried to help Peeta out of the water.

"Athena?" He asked Peeta.

"Somewhere there." He pointed over his shoulder as Finnick pulled him out before hearing a boom.

A body floated up before Athena surfaced.

"What are you staring at! Go, go, go!" She yelled at them, swimming towards the shore.

When the had joined her, she took the sheath back and tied it around her and Mags was picked up by Finnick, ushering the others deep in the forest.

She looked over her shoulder as she grabbed the arrow shaft and took a deep breath, before yanking it out with a small flinch, staring at the middle of the arena.

"I'll find you soon..." She promised before following them as Finnick screamed for her.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now