-''This is worth it''-

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"This is nothing like you've ever seen before." Heymitch said. "You are facing experienced killers and as such, you will need allies, some of these people have known each other for years."

"Great so how will we do this?" Peeta asked, sitting in the couch with Katniss, having volunteered instead of Heymitch. "Everyone will want to kill us."

"True but you won't last long without allies anyway, I wouldn't advise that." He pointed at the TV. "First half of the career pack, Gloss and Cashmere, brother and sister, won their games back to back, they will be lethal."

"Joy." Katniss breathed out.

"Now for the second half it is harder." The video played. "Brutus, strong and lethal with a spear or a short blade." But when the female tribute was pulled, another volunteered.

Katniss felt her blood freeze, not only did she almost died at the party, still having the light pink scars of the cuts, but it had been a victor of district 2 that almost tried to kill her.

"That's Athena Hadley, Capitol's sweetheart, the Reaper, she fights with a sword and claw weapons affixed too her hand and with a personal vendetta against you two, mostly Katniss, for how you let her brother be mauled for hours before you put him out of his misery, I am more then sure she volunteered because she knew she could get to you but if you have allies, she'd be great."

"How would she even think of not killing us?"

"Easy, ally with those she is with. She knows Beetee (Beedee?) and Wiress, they are geniuses but they aren't that close... Now there is 4, Mags is a really nice lady and I hope when she goes she goes fast, she volunteered for Annie, and then there is the really humble Finnick."

"You are kidding."

"Of course I am, he is a total peacock, a diva but he won his games at 14, one younger then his best friend, Athena, and he is deadly in the water tho he'd die protecting Mags, once again, Athena would also help him in that, bag either of 4 and Athena probably will not kill you right away."


"Alright then." He didn't like how they were not taking this seriously. "Then her." He skipped to 7's reaping tho didn't mention a name right away. "Mad wolf of 7, Johanna Mason, ally with her and Athena folds, these two are really close and if you can somehow get through her abrasive personality Johanna is great with an axe and Athena will follow her."

"So you are saying, the only way we are not being targeted by her is if we ally with those she knows?" Peeta asked.

"Cecelia, Wiress, Seeder, anyone she might know could maybe buy you a minute to escape but Finnick and Johanna are her weakness."

"No others?" They asked in surprise, their greatest threat had no other weaknesses.

"None, unless you count that she will probably break away from the careers as a weakness then that, but otherwise she is an extremely well rounded fighter, I wouldn't advise a head on conflict with her.... Or hit her nose, it broke once, now it goes numb but would it really stop her?"

"Great, just great."


"What do you want Heymitch, can't I even have one day before all of this when I don't see your face." Athena said, one her favorite spot, the roof.

"I just came to talk." The man said. "I even brought drinks." Holding up two simple beers.

"Nothing stronger?" She asked as she grabbed it.

"I looked but no, seems like they didn't build a new bar lounge in these new quarters, these are from the train."

"Joy." She popped the cap off with her claw, watching it fall off. "Why are you here?"

"You know of the riots lit?"

"Do I? Even district 2 was screaming bloody murder when she read those flashcards instead of sharing what she thought about our tributes on her victory tour, I have more then once seen someone shot for the three finger salute and I also seen that dreaded Mockingjay pin sprayed on walls."

"And what did you do?"

"I killed the little idiot that did that of course." She said after drinking half the bottle in one breath.

"Athena, the world is changing, gears are moving and Katniss is at the middle of it."

"I don't care Heymitch, you know as well at me that the moment that canon signals the start of the bloodbath that I'll gut her with the first smile I'll be able to feel since she killed my Munchkin."

"Athena this is beyond your vengeance and you know it, we need Katniss."

She smashed the bottle at his feet.

"Nothing is worth my vengeance."

She walked around him, going towards the elevator, anger pumping through her ever since she volunteered instead of Enobaria so that she could get into the arena.

"This is worth it." He said as the doors closed behind her.

She let out a heavy sigh.

She was not blind, she knew what was going on, but she wanted to kill Katniss, she would kill Katniss.

But before killing her, she'll make it long, long like she did it with her brother.

And she smiled.

Athena smiled at the idea of what she'd do.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now