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(Once again I repeat in case ppl don't read A/N at ends of chapters, want the smexy, leave a comment and I'll write it lol)

This had been odd in some equally odd ways.

Sure, they had done it, that's a given, she can still feel the lingering touches but some things had been denied.

Athena never let her touch even her clothes.

Athena had never let her excessively touch her.

Athena hadn't let her switch the light back on ones she flipped it off before getting rid of her top.

Athena never let her kiss her.

Athena hadn't let her do much back.

And that was so odd too Johanna as she stared at nothing in the complete darkness of the bedroom of 2's quarters.

She couldn't tell why she could barely do anything, she like... Got what she wanted and not at the same time.... Sure, she got Athena for a night but she was not hers, all she got was a night, nothing given back.

Athena did not sound bothered by all of this, almost a hint of strange delight too her whispered words to have all these weird rules she could enforce, all these things she had control over.


Odd was what this was.

And yet she couldn't help but like it.

Tho the silent night was boring, not cold nor awkward just boring, or she would have gotten dressed and left instead of laying with the blanket only wrapped up too her waist as Athena slept with the rest of it on the other side of the bed... Another odd rule, no cuddling after all this.

She reached one of her arms out that has been folded behind her head too the little bedside table, all tribute quarters were built the same anyway so she knew that opening the drawer would lead her too find the TV remote too the TV hanging on the ceiling right above the bed.

She knew that during the game only those were broadcasted but she needed a break from Athena-centric thoughts and questions.

Turning the brightness really low and the sound off, switching right too seeing the girl from 2 grab as another tribute and hurt her fingers from a messy grab.

She looked at her own hand, sure most of the times when she hallucinated blood it was on an axe swing but there were moments she could clearly remember her fingers tearing into a fleshy throat, something the girl on the TV failed to do and she was from 2 unlike Johanna who had succeeded while being a 7.

How lucky had she been that day, Athena saving her from death before she even knew her and having her show her that purely as banter between a teasing mentor and a lying tribute.... How luck she was that it worked... She owes her a lot.

She dropped her hand, she wondered if the reasons Athena always wore gloves were for that reason, since she killed so many with her own hands, to hide the sight of them always having their blood on them.

As the tribute from 2 bashed the skull of the boy into the rock came the boom they were all so familiar with.

Tho the sleeping woman next to her rolled over with a groan at the noise, taking the blanket with her completely.

"Hey." Johanna gently said too herself, turning to grab the ledge and pull it back but freezing.

If she thought dreaming of the dead bodies of her family and fellow tributes shambling out of their graves to rip her apart was blood chilling then this sight was death itself breathing down her back.

Not one, not two, not even three but hundreds of interlaced scars displayed under the soft light of the TV who's sudden low buzzing was all she could hear.

If only it was those scars but no, it was not just the mesh of jagged scars that was displayed too her.

She had seen burn scars, knew how they looked, she did live in a flammable district, and this... This particularly disgusting one was just that, able to tell even through the dim light.

She didn't think before reaching out and ghosting her fingers over the distressing capitol logo stamped into the other bac-- A hand lashed back.

Before she could comprehend what was happening, her body was yanked down, a vice grip around her throat.

Athena stalled her second hand lifted above her head before she even moved to strike the face a whoever touched her, really not liking the sight under her grip for multiple reason.

For one, Johanna's arms clamped around hers as she was actively squeezing down was not a pleasing sight.

For two, she could still feel the touch and only Johanna was here so that meant she had seen the marks to lead too this reaction.

And for three.... This would be a long talk.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now