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This.... Was not a great start.

Athena crossed her arms, next too Finnick in the mentor lounge and watching the start of the games, since the reaping were rigged for older tributes, there was far more violence but not on the front she wanted it.

2 and 4 got in an altercation that ended up with 4's male tribute strangling 2's female and 2's male putting a knife through his head.

This arena was a huge pin forest, she felt it was almost to mock district 7 who seemed to be the only one with a 'useless and scared' tribute, the others, even 12, seemed to have a slight chance this year.

"Sorry for your guy Fish-brains." She told Finnick as the feed cut too the little sheep of 7, still somehow able to play on the fact that she was terrified and unable to swing an axe correctly as she ran before switching too a guy from 8 shanking 6 too death.

"And sorry for your girl Kitten." He said back, his hand on her thigh but with no meaning behind it, it was the best place them since Athena was laying across the couch and had her legs in his lap.

"I honestly didn't expect much but still not this." She told him, looking at him. "Usually they can keep their weapons sheathed until the end when they fight."

"Hot headed." He offered as a response.

"Yeah, they are all."

"Are you alright?"

"I am perfect."

"You can tell me if you aren't you know that right?"



Athena knew she couldn't, she needs to do this alone, for her brother.


Gasps and indignant screamed filled the room.

Athena was holding Enobaria back from scratching out Heymitch's eyes as he laughed at Blight's 'genius' while that man didn't when know what was going on.

At the same time Athena was trying to not smile.

When only 8 tributes remained with 4 careers, the girl she knew hid much had dropped the veil.

Johanna Fucking Mason.

She stumbled upon the careers accidentally but the next moment the last 2's head head gone flying from a precise and powerful axe swing.

The little girl everyone underestimated had easily killed the strongest of the careers and was mocking them with profanities and a 'fuck it all' personality as she tackled 4 down and swung the axe through the side of the kid's head.

Athena restricted Enobaria's arms behind her as the woman screamed bloody murder, all while looking at the screen.

Johanna ducking a strike from the boy from 1 and body checking him off the side of the cliff, the camera showing him fall too his death.

1 swung, catching her in the back but it was a superficial cut in the long list of injuries the games could cause, causing 7 to throw her axe and miss, 1 tackling her down.

She watched as 1 tried to stab her in the face as Johanna held her wrist before letting go, the dagger stabbing in the ground next to her head and swinging her hand up.

Athena scoffed in amused surprised, her hold faltering, when Johanna yanked her hand back, 1 throwing herself off 7, holding her bleeding throat, blood pooling out of the injury and mouth as she started choking on in, Johanna throwing the piece away in disgust.

"You!" She felt herself be tackled down.

Looking up at the eternal mentor of 1, Gloss, tower up over her... More like seeing his fist before his fist beat down on her face, the back of her head bouncing off the ground.

"Hey!" Finnick grabbed him and dragged him back.

"What is wrong with you?!" Athena yelled, sitting up, touching her face, nose numb with pain and blood pooling down her face from it.

"You did this!" He yelled "How else would that little freak know that?!"

"You think I would?! You fucker!! She killed my tributes you think I would fucking help her?!"

"Who else would fight like that?!"

"I'll show you!!" She tried jumping at him but the older victors of the lower districts grabbed her, pulling her back. "Let me go!!" She yanked against them but there were more then one so it was hard. "Let me!!"


"Are you sure you will be fine?" 

"I am fine Fish-brains, drop it." She looked away. "I could have fixed this myself, I don't need your help."

"I know but I wanted to help." He stood. "Are you sure you really don't want the Capitol to fix that? The one time they would be useful."

"I'm fine, just adds too my charm."

"He broke your nose."

"It is fixed now."

"Because you snapped it in place, there is still a curve there." He hovered his finger over the area. "It will be permanent."

"I said it is fixed, it's fine, will you go now?" She took her head in her hands. "I want to be alone." 

"I--" "FINNICK!!!" She yelled.

"Alright..." He whispered, standing. "I'll... See you later." She silently watched him go.

She stayed in silent for a while.

"Sir." She said as she stood.

"You took some time in making him leave, I was almost getting bored."

"I'm sorry president Snow." She pulled the curtains away, the man casually sitting on the couch that was hidden, no guards but she knew they were there. "You are aware I think, that I am really disappointed." 

"I never expected her to remember it."

"Have you not?" She didn't answer. "You know what we do too liars don't you?"

She swallowed, keenly aware of how her tongue was sitting in her mouth, not unaware of how Avoxes are made.

"You..." She took a deep breath. "You make them into Avoxes."

"Yes Miss Hadley." He stood up. "But voiceless victors are a waste, aren't they?"


"What would pour little Cato say? I bet he'd be really disappointed in his sister."

"Please, don't hurt him." She frowned, eyebrows furred in worry. "I'll accept anything, just please, don't hurt him."

"You are quite a shame too 2"

"Please." She dropped too her knees. "I beg of you, I'll do everything asked, no questions asked, anything, just don't hurt him."

"How could you re-buy your favor?"

"I'll cut my own tongue out, I'll sell my body more, I-I'll--" "Sssh, don't be so shameful." He stood. "Come with me Miss Hadley, the car awaits and we'll talk about this while we head too the manor."

She silently stood, hands closing tightly, her claws slicing into her own palm, as she followed that man.

All Athena knew is: She's fucked.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now