-Joining The Fight-

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Athena sat silently in the truck with few military personal around.

Sure she could understand her or them joining but why did they put Peeta in?

The boy was talking in a loop to himself and hugging the remaining feeling out of her arm as he was almost sitting in her lap, scared out of his damned mind.

He was still too unstable for this and yet he was sent on this mission.

Was Coin trying to kill Katniss?

Why is everything so complicated?

First Gale and now this... She'll keep an eye out for Peeta, lifting her hand and rubbed his head.


"We've got a truck coming in from the south." Jackson, the right hand woman of Boogs called in on a walkie talkie before adding on not five seconds later. "Stand down, everyone. It's friendly."

Katniss looked on in confusion with everyone as the truck stopped and two guards got out.

"That bitch." Johanna hissed, Athena hopping out of the truck next but Peeta clinging to her arm was the next surprise. "You gotta be shitting me." She hissed.

As they approached the group, Peeta mumbling became clear and he even let go of the other victor tho it took a bit on insistence.

"My name is Peeta Mellark. My home is district 12. My name is Peeta Mellark. My home is district 12." He kept saying but Athena stepped up too Johanna, hugging her tight, pressing a short kiss on her face with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" Johanna asked.

"What is he doing here?" Boggs asked at the same time, Athena could be understood but Peeta, it seemed so weird to bring him into an active war zone.

"They want him in the propo, show that he's on our side now." One of the twin soldiers said.

Athena nodded at Johanna's look, agreeing since she was here for that reason too, not really feeling like explaining that Coin basically told her to fuck herself and die for Katniss tho in nicer words.

"Coin can't be that stupid can she? Does't she see that he is not alright?" Johanna asked, finally pulling from the hug to see what was going on around them instead of just hearing it. 

Athena shrugged.

"S-H-E     D-O-E-S     W-H-A-T     S-H-E      W-A-N-T-S"

"That's for sure... Now come, Finnick has been talking my ears off so now you deal with him."


"We'll move forward a few blocks tomorrow and shoot the new footage." Boggs explained while the group hauled up inside a broken down building, sitting around and forming a loose circle.

"He's not in control of himself." Gale added, pointed at Peeta who was muttering to himself, cuffed for precautions. "He can't be left alone."

"I say we schedule an around-the-clock watch on him. The Leegs till 1700, Homes and Mitchell till 1900." Jackson said. "And Hadley is here, I assume we all heard of how he is dependent on her, if it gets out of control she can restrain him." Athena nodded when the woman looked at her questioningly, it would yield the least amount of injuries if she was the one to do it.

"Give me a watch." Katniss insisted.

"Yeah hell us too." Johanna pointed between Finnick and her. "We are all victors, we know what he went through"

"And if it really came down to it, you think you could shoot him? Or axe him down? Maybe you've grown too close to each other."

"Oh please, I'll kill anyone needed too if that would stop future killings." Finnick said tho sounding with sarcasm thick in his voice. 

"And I could too. I wouldn't be shooting Peeta I would be killing a Capitol mutt." Katniss said.

Athena bit on her cheek, not liking the girl calling peeta that, seeing the look of hurt on the boys face as he rocked himself back and forth.

"I'm not sure that kind of a comment recommends you for the job either, soldier." Jackson said as she pointed at her accusingly.

"Put her in the rotation but anyone with her, make sure she doesn't shot him uselessly." Boggs ordered.

"Of course I won't." She nodded.

Right after it Boggs pulled Katniss out to talk to her.

"This will be fun." Johanna told Athena with a fake smile.

"S-O    M-U-C-H    I     C-A-N-T    W-A-I-T"

"This is the last line, the last sprint, are you ready for this to all be over?"

"Y-E-S" But it was a lie.

Athena was terrified for the end of the war, not knowing what will become of her and will her life be worth it.

She wanted this to end and not so she lied and smiled.


Athena sat alone on her rotation, actually she was with Johanna but neither really talked in their respective ways.

The victor of 7 leaning her head on Athena's shoulder and Athena leaned her head against hers, watching Peeta's muddled form in the darkness of the room.

She had not slept until now and didn't feel tired even.

Thought about an uncertain future keeping her up.

Sure the Capitol falls but what comes after it?

She looked at the ceiling.

She wished she knew but she couldn't tell and sighed.

Pulling out a little piece of paper and a small pen, she was sitting next too the window which made it easier for her to see it.

It was a little list of things she wrote down while thinking of what to do with her life.

If she had a list to complete, she'd have goals to work forwards, a reason to be.

For now this little bucket list was really small and included: going to see the ocean having wanted to do that with Cato for so long, going home too 2, fix up 2 and take care of Cinnamon.

It was a really small list of things that she would need to do after this war anyway, only thing she really had a choice about doing was going to see the ocean but she was sure she would find new things.

She looked to Johanna, she was awake... Or supposed to be but she didn't bother waking up the woman.

She wrote another little line on her paper with a soft smile.

She could never do it, not with her being an Avox but this was always a plan, she never did it, sure there were kisses but it was not this, it was not the same.

She looked at the added goal with a bitter smile of happiness.

'Tell Johanna you love her.'

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now