-Tree Tumble-

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And five.

Five fingers around her throat.

Five seconds too long.

And Athena had let it pass.

Five wishes of murder.

And Athena had only left her with five reminders.

Sitting alone.

In an empty home.

Only fueled the rage she felt towards the newest winners of the 74th.

And she had took five seconds to long instead of killing her how she wanted.

That bitch didn't deserve to live, didn't deserve to thrive, to breathe, to breed, to fuck, to read, to dream, to fear, to.... To anything!

Athena nudged the broken pot at her feet, having thrown it across the kitchen in anger that she had not just gutted that girl when she had the chance.

She would not need the pot anyway, who'd she be cooking for? Ghosts and thoughts? 

Athena had voluntarily signed up this time to be a mentor, not for it to be a rigged pull to have her, Everdeen was the only female victor of 12, ooooh how she'll make her life a living nightmare each time they meet in the games.

She already has blood on her hands, a bit more means nothing anymore.


Sure Athena could cross the boarder.... How hard would it be?

Johanna thought that too herself.... While dangling for her life from a tree because she tripped and almost fell.

She knew that she didn't have the same strength as Athena had in her hands but she had her own idea how to do this trick of crossing over the wall and tracks.

She was not near getting it done tho, this trouble she was in was even before that, a branch snapping and making her trip and catch herself.

She looped a leg up and pulled herself on her stomach, if she doesn't die doing this on the go, she has no idea how she will come back but this is a bit more important then that.

Sure Finnick was not Johanna's greatest friend but he was a friend of sorts because Athena was his friend and so she talked too him, that's how she knew she was not the only one ignored on phone calls but him, Annie, even other victors, Athena shut all out and well... Johanna decided that she wouldn't let her.

And so she carefully, with slightly trembling limbs, climbed the tree, easily done actually as she was from 7 as she payed off the peacekeepers with 1/15 of a years of her victors pay, far more money then they could ever expect, they happily smiled and were actually watching if she'd succeed in this endeavor.

She ignored the mocking laughter and remarks thrown at her from them, lets see them laugh when she succeeds.

She stood on a branch, she actually found it more important that she did this then when Athena did, not wanting to leave her alone to backslide away from them all, really bad things can happen when left alone in this case and she partially considered them both to have some sort of relationship so this was her job.

She pulled the rope off from around her and tied it tight around the tree and branch in a tight knot, tying the other end around an axe.

She could have multiple chances at this but it all depended it the knots would hold of the straight length of the axe.

She needed to throw it so it looped around a branch several times and stabbed into the wood or she'd fall at the first test of it holding her weight.

"You go!" A peacekeeper mock cheered her on as the first throw totally missed and just cut leaves as she pulled on the rope, she was not that stable, too hard of a throw and she throws herself off.

"Come on." Johanna muttered, holding the branch over her head and throwing again, getting two loops but no axe stabbing into the wood.

Tho when she tried pulling it back, she couldn't, yanking more but the axe head would get stuck without being able to move it from her spot so she let go and watched it hang.

"Am I going to try this?" She asked herself, knowing she would.

She took a deep breath and, despite the distance and the axe hanging above the train tracks, she lived up too her mad wolf title, she fucking jumped.

She barely caught the axes handle, swinging forwards when the knot slid off it.

With a scream, she landed with a leg on the wall, tripping over it with the other and a big tumble off into the other side smack on the ground.

She laid there a moment, the peacekeepers' laugh so loud she heard it over here while she tried to work out if she was still alive.

Her body hurt, her head smacked off the ground but, flexing her arms, okay they are fine, pushing herself up, okay no guts hanging out, leg--ouch.

The leg that she caught in the tumble had the worker boots and the leg itself sliced into.

She still stood, jumping on one leg before limping away as it hurt and her body was sore, not wanting another patrol of peacekeepers to deal with.

"Damn why am I even doing this? You are so lucky Athena." She grumbled, pulling off the scarf despite the cold winter air coming it and wrapping her leg to not bleed everywhere. 

And to say she never thought she'd be the one to do this for someone.... Just how easily that changed when she met her.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now