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(Fun fact: I barely remember the hunger games books, like not fanfics, the og books, I needed a tiktok video to remind me that when Clove was being killed by Thresh, not only did she scream for Cato, Cato yelled her name back.... And I also forgot the nickname I gave Johanna to call Athena that lol, I gotta reread my own story.)

"Come on Munchkin, we'll see each other in half a month." Athena chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Didn't you tell me you were a big boy?"

Compared too normal, this years reaping was just.... No, just no, she could barely bare to look at her tributes and keep up her facade, she wanted to cover her face and sulk away, because it was just one year closer to Cato's rigged draw.

"I'll still miss you." He said with his arms crossed, a bit peeved about her messing up his hair.

"I'll miss you too but look at you." She said, trying to distract him. "You've put on some muscles, like this, I am sure you'll be reaped." She said with a forced smile, she didn't want to taint his vision of the games because, despite them being trained, it was also the mentality that saved them from death, despair can weaken the strongest... And so she'll let him idolize the games until he wins and comes back too her as a victor.

"You noticed?" He flexed his arm, not much of a bulge in the biceps but it was something.

"I also noticed you hanging out with a girl." She nudged him, making the boy slap at her, Athena only laughing. "What's her name?"

"She's just a friend."

"Yeah yeah, the name? Or should I find out for myself."

"Hadley, the train is leaving."

She bit back a snap, Snow can still mess with her currently, when Cato will become a victor he'll be more protected and she can slack on her uptight follow of the rules set on her shoulders.

"I need to go Munchkin, you better tell me her name later or I'll ask around, there aren't that many knife throwers in the academy currently."

"How do you know that?!"

"I have eyes everywh--" "Hadley." "I am fucking coming." She snapped out tho with no real strength, wanting to gouge that man's eyes out with her claws but she really couldn't do that.

"Bye Athy." The boy wasn't too happy either but he waved as his sister waved back, escorted away as the seemingly eternal 1/2 of mentors 2 chose.

"Bye Munchkin."


She didn't really talk to her fellow mentor nor tributes, the three seeming to get on great so she let them, it didn't bother her.

What did bother her was who exactly the mentor was, Ares, the first tribute she helped out in the 68th.

She was not sure of who the first tribute actually was since she won the 66th and he was the 68th, she can only suspect the amount of suppressed days of memories as the year of the 67th almost completely eluded her.

That didn't bother her at all, what did was seeing Ares, she remembered him clearly, too clearly, and too this day she wished she had died in that frozen arena.


"I knew I'd find you here."

"What can I say little wolf? A second home for me."

Athena raised the shot glass hanging between her pointer and middle fingers, wondering if she should relax her hold and watch it shatter on the ground, no one could do anything too her if she did but she decided to not be a bitch too the staff of this place since usually it would be avoxes.

She rolled her tongue in her mouth, having it threatened once but still intact, not envying them that's for sure.

The woman from 7 sat next to her on a stool, elbow up on the counter holding her head up.

"Tho it is a bit early for you, you haven't even run into Finnick from the overly sappy sad boy act he put up seeing me."

"You know me all too well." Athena breathed in and out came a cloud of smoke when she exhaled, amused as each time she did this, Johanna would cough as if her life depended on it.

"Dammit!" The younger woman shoved on her arm, making Athena chuckle and drink the shot before putting the glass down and just holding her smoke now.

"A little smoke killed nobody." The victor from 2 smiled, waving her hands hand, clinging of the light metal chains following the movement. "After all, I am still around."

"How humble you are.... But seriously, something happened for you to start so strong so early?" Johanna looked at the selected alcohol's bottle standing on the bar instead of the shelf, telling her the barman stopped putting it away because the other victor asked for so much of it.

"Nah, just life." Athena knew most walls had ears, telling anyone what Snow did too her, what future she created for herself, was one step too far to share. "My brother is 16, two more years and he is out of the system." She said in casual conversation.

"Yeah, I suppose that that is worrying even with you as a sister."

"Well yeah, I help him all I can but if he gets reaped I can do nothing but get him sponsors, he'll be alone in there."

"Sponsors that you can get." Johanna said, raking her eyes up and down that almost eternally the outfit Athena wore in the Capitol.

Each year it always stole her breath when she saw her the first time, it was like their first meeting all over again. Annoyingly enough, she couldn't get it out of her mind and was able to pinpoint every little shift to the outfit, for example, how she currently lacked that collar that she usually wore with the outfit or how her hair was not tied up and it hung freely.

She still preferred the casual look, the clothes she wore when they first met in 2 and when the dare devil skipped over into 7, she seemed relaxed while there was always something too these clothes, this rigidity too her, not that she blamed her.

She only momentarily though about how it would feel to touch them before she heard a finger snap next too her ear followed by a laugh when she flinched.

"I know I am pretty but please." Athena laughed, flipping the hair that was too short to really hang down in front of her. That laugh, sounding like birds' happy chirping tho it was those of a trapped bird, had she ever heard a real, 100% true, laugh from the victor from 2?

And those damned green eyes, so perfect, like always, reminding her of the forests of 7, it was like someone took the colors of the canopy and dropped them in her eyes.

"Hey! Kitten!" Johanna almost scowled as Finnick entered tho it did divert Athena's focus too him.

She was quite jealous he showed up, she was talking too Athena, can't he fucking wait?

She really didn't like others getting in her way.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now