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(Why? Because we all need happiness don't we?)

How did she end up here?

She didn't clean up, she didn't look special, she was the same old terrifying mutt in 13 and yet...

"Fuck, I am so nervous!" Annie was on the edge of happy tears as she fanned her face while Athena leaned against a door.

This marriage was something everyone needed and not exclusively the couple from which the bride was walking holes into the tilts with her constant back and forths.

It would bring the spirits up and bury her fuck up.


Well it would have been buried if the soon to be wed didn't insist that she'd be the one walk Annie down the aisle.

Athena was completely against it, ask Heymitch or an older person like Mags... But Mags was already Finnick's person. They also told her since it is usually the father giving the daughter away too her future husband in 4, a person that protected her giving the role too another, that it should literally be the one that sacrificed body and mind for both of them instead of grabbing a drunkard, a friend but a drunkard anyway, or a random 13 male.

Athena couldn't understand why such came to be but she couldn't say no in the end, literally and figuratively.

Athena snapped her fingers tho it barely make noise but it was enough to stop Annie's rant.

She pointed at her face and smiled.

"How can you be so nonchalant?" Athena lifted a brow, it is not her that is getting married, Johanna would axe her if she even dared to do anything like proposing after pushing her away so much and they were not even too that point.

She offered her her arm, they were basically waiting for her.

Annie grabbed it so hard she almost felt the numbness too her fingertips, nudging the door open with her leg.

Oh how she wanted to leave Annie in the dust, hating how she looked like a slob next too the young woman who they found a wedding dress for while here she is, shorts, a T-shirt and fucking war gauntlets that could shred all.

Athena almost had to pull Annie after her as the woman actually froze up, shifting her hand too her back to push her instead but look presentable.

Finnick looked great in his white suit.

She pushed Annie up in front of him, getting a few muffled chuckles at the bride was like a statue set up in place as Athena stepped down.

The people were standing in half a circle and now that the future husband and wife were standing there, the road to them closed.

Athena backed out, all the way to the side and no one looked her way.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in matrimony." The man officiating it started.

She felt quite awkward but stayed off too the side to listen, clapping along with a metal clang when the groom and bride kissed.

She lifted a brow when the Gale guy looked around and left.

She looked around too, no one else saw so she followed, feeling off.

The halls were silent so she needed to be careful following him.

She had this nagging feeling too this all, she would have let him go otherwise.

And that feeling worsened when he entered the war room with Wiress who she thought was at the wedding. 

She leaned her back too the wall, listening in.

"And you are sure this will work?" Wiress asked, unsure-ness slipping in her voice.

"It will, it worked on 12, it will work on the Capitol."

"Then you need to convince Coin, I will not be part of this senseless murder plan."

"All I ask of you is too show me how to make bombs, the rest is my work."

"How do you even think it will work? They will know it is us."

"Well we need steal a Capitol hovercraft and load it up, using those little game parachutes, they will not see it coming and then a second volley."

"A second volley? A second? You will kill the first responders Gale!"

"Yes, more Capitol scum to perish."

Athena's eyes went wide, sure, out of all the people here she actually had been the most hurt by the Capitol.

Sure, they got bombed into hiding in 13 once but she was tortured for useless information she didn't have.

Sure, they forced them into the games but she participated twice.

Sure, other were used by them but she was the most sought after.

Sure, they hated the Capitol but she despised all of Panem.

And she still thought of this as an extremely low blow.

She squeezed her hands into fists, grinding her teeth down as Wiress really didn't seem to like the idea but was letting herself be convinced and Gale was becoming an outright monster.

Athena jumped up from her spot and clambered up the wall, wedging her hands against the wall with her feet pressing up on the other side, back pressing against the ceiling, moments before Gale's heavy boots existed the room.

She held her breath, this was senseless pain he was planning on inflict, she needs to tell people.

She waited until Wiress left with the plans rolled up and headed in another way, muttering about what she is doing.

Only when she was alone did she drop into a crouch, shaking her arms out as she watched in both ways the two had gone.

Athena could tell everyone, she needed too.


If she said anything, the plans would change and no one would know about the new ones.

Right now she knows, she will be able to step in the way.

If she ratted Gale out, the plan would change and she too would be in the dark.

Athena made a hissing noise through her teeth.

She could not say anything, to keep the plan unchanged and constant, she needed to be the only outsider to know and to stop him herself.

Once against, this will depend solely on her abilities to keep it to herself and to stop it with her own two hands.

(Or at least a semblance of happiness.)

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu