-Only Love Can Hurt Like This-

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(This time the chapter is just named after the song at the start of the chapter.)

(I am not making it easy for you readers huh?)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(I am not making it easy for you readers huh?)

Beep.... Beep..... Beep....

Love is torture.

Johanna felt like she was the one dying when it was not her that had emergency surgery with the doctors not knowing if she will wake up.

It felt so wrong to see tubes sticking out of Athena even if they kept her alive, her neck hurt at the sight of the one down the other other's throat to breath for her.

"Please wake up soon Thea." She whispered, sitting next to the bed.

She'd lie if she said she couldn't have gotten slapped by her younger self if she told her what her life became, when once she wanted nothing but to be alone, today it had become her greatest nightmare because of a victor that she should have never gotten along with.

She needed a breather, she didn't want to leave Athena but she felt like she cried enough today for that.

If her heart could be considered shards of shattered glass.... Now it was dust, watching the little kitten in her hands almost knowingly look on at the 'sleeping' woman on the bed, if not for herself, if she couldn't be selfish, she wished Athena would wake up for the kitten.

She heard the little bell that signaled that visiting time was over.

"Come on, lets go." She groaned as she stood, her knees protesting with loud cracks, walking to the door and out.


Katniss woke up in lost of pain but alive.

But she wasn't all that reassured since when she woke up it was the stone cold anger of Johanna that greeted her as she lounged in a chair by her bedside.

"Don't get it wrong, I am here because I have wanted to see if her sacrifice was worth anything." Johanna said, her usually snappy personality peaking through despite petting the little black kitten she had in her hands. "I mean like wow, that speech, got me right in the feels you know? Goose bumps everywhere girl." The sarcasm was thickly layered on.

"Well it didn't go right anyway." Katniss said, feeling a lot of pain in her side from just breathing.

"What are you saying? It was great, making us all feel oh so safe." She scoffed. "What about you, mockingjay? You feeling totally safe?"

"I kind of did until I got shot."

"Oh, please. The bullet didn't even touch you. Cinna saw to that.... Of course your costume would be bulletproof." Johanna rolled her eyes. "So what are your injuries?"

"Bruised ribs, bruised lung." She said, feeling that this was already a lot but Johanna didn't seem impressed.

"I'm surprised they haven't found you a new lung. I mean, I've got two, Athena has two, even Heymitch. Do you want one of mine?"

"What happened?" She asked meekly, Johanna only got this amount of angry sass when Athena was concerned and she learnt to detect it for her own safety. "Where is Athena?"

"She protected you, all of us.... To ensure we all left that mess alive she fought with another victor, I think he is called Ares if I remember well not that I care, he drove a sword through her chest after beating each other up mutually and all of that because you were stupid enough to walk in there to help.... Did it to keep you alive....I mean, it's everybody's job to keep you alive."

"Is she..."

"She's alive for now, we'll know if her chances are better if she passes the night without complications."

"Is that why you hate me?" Katniss knew Athena hated her, she was terrified because of that hate but Johanna's dislike becoming hate was quite new. "Because of her? Because she almost died because of me?"

"Partly.... You're also a little hard to swallow." Johanna admitted, putting the kitten in her lap before it fell out of her hands. "The whole tacky romance drama and the 'defender of the hopeless' act is just too much even though it's not an act which makes it even more unbearable and yes, feel free to take any of this personally."

"You should have been the mockingjay.... Nobody else would tell you what to say." She was sure Johanna would have already gotten this rebellion to its goal.

"But nobody likes me like they do you." The victor of 7 said.

"They're afraid of you."

"Sure, maybe here but not the Capitol, sure they call me the mad wolf but it is not because of fear Katniss, in the Capitol you're the only thing that they're scared of. No one else but you, you stood up to them first so you are terrifying to them. Even Athena is not scary to that point, they loved her."

"Either of you would have been better, they follow what you wanted and don't order you around.

"They messed us up pretty good, didn't they?" Johanna sighed.

"You tell me." There was a silence. "So what's up in 2?"

"Athena." Johanna nodded towards the girl. "The deal was if Ares wins, he kills you and Athena, takes us prisoner but if she wins she kills him and the loyalists will not stand in our way, I guess they won't help either but whatever, well we are here and alive so she won, 2 is calm now."

"Tell her I am sorry that 2 got bombed."

"I'll tell her but I don't know how much she'll like it."

"I know, I just feel bad."

"Don't, she chose to do this, she protects, we just need to protect her too somehow."

"I'll try."

"You better."

"You have quite an infuriating master you know?" Johanna spoke to the kitten she carried to her quarters as if meowed up a storm, telling her its life story she thought passingly.

She pet the little head with a bitter smile as it rubbed back against her finger.

"I miss her too, lets just hope she'll be fine yeah?" She opened the door to her room and closed it behind her with a sigh. "Please be fine.... I can't lose another person I care about..." She sucked in a breath when the kitten meowed. "Fine fine let's go to bed, damn you a demanding." She distracted herself with the kitten.

Even if the reality lingered in her mind like a dark storm that wanted to strangle her.

She sighed once more.

Only love can hurt like this.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن