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The quarter, silent.

The clock, ticking.

The smoke, blinding.

The phone, ringing.

The tears, flowing.

And the alcohol, pouring.

"Athena, this is your little brother Cato, take care of him alright?"

Those words.

Those fucking words.

"Of course mom! He is so cute, I must protect him."

That promise.

That fucking promise.

"I know you will Athena, you'll be the best big sister."

So why was she alone now?

Who was she to protect?

Who was she to teach?

Who was she to cook for?

Who was she to console?

Who was she to live for?

No amount of the Capitol's finest seemed enough, no smoking would kill her fast enough, no alcohol would drown her fast enough.

And yet she stood here, staring out the window she smashed open with a chair.

She looked calmly through the reflection of the still intact window panel next too it, the breeze brushing into her face.

The TV ripped off the wall.

The couch disemboweled.

The carpet shredded.

The books torn.

It was like a hurricane came through and it was the truth, only that it was one in human form.

And too hell, the tears have never stopped once they started, so consistent and eternal she doubted being able to ever stop them.

She looked at her feet, her boot toes standing off the void, would they have expected anyone to break their window? And just that way?

If a breeze swayed her, she'd just close her eyes and await the fated impact.

But tonight the wind seemed to be blowing into her face, pushing her back.

What use was there even left for her?

She was no one's daughter, no one's niece and no one's sister now... She was all alone.


She was alone.

Why would she remain?

All she fought for was her brother.

And she killed him.

Oh fuck she killed him.

She grabbed her face, more quiet sobs shaking her shoulders.

In that one act.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now