15. A long awaited conversation

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Me and Lexa went to sleep - more comfortable than in a long time. I slept the longest I had in a while, until my sleep was rudely interrupted by me being shaken awake.

"What?" I grumbled, pulling the covers over my face.

I heard a familiar chuckle and the person sat on the bed beside me.

"Lexa's already up honey," the red-head witch told me. "And you need to get up too."

"Where's she gone?" I asked, sitting up quickly.

Wanda smiled softly as she replied, "Natasha's room for some other clothes."

"We can't wear her clothes forever," I pointed out.

"I know."

If the knowing smile on her face said anything, I could guess what she was thinking without using my powers.

"We're going shopping?" I asked.

Wanda nodded with a smile.

"Like... for clothes?" I asked, making sure.

She put a hand on my leg and replied, "Me and Nat are taking you both shopping for clothes, then we're going to take you to a cafè for lunch."

She said this with a genuine smile. I immediately got out of bed and looked around. Seemingly prepared, the older girl handed me some clothes - a clean black t-shirt, leggings and my jacket.

"Come downstairs when you're ready, I'll make breakfast," Wanda said with a smile.

Wanda left me in the room alone and I changed within a couple of minutes. A few moments later, Lexa came into the room in a clean pair of jeans, but still had her hoodie.

"You ready?" Lexa asked me.

I nodded eagerly, and my sister approached me. Taking my hands, she didn't open her mouth to speak.

Elise, I need you to be sure before trusting these people.

You seem to trust them?

Mmm, I guess I trust Pietro.

And Natasha?

She bit her lip and didn't reply.

I trust her Lexa finally replied.

Good, because I genuinely think they're good people!

Lexa laughed bitterly.

Hydra need us. I don't care what shit the Avengers talk. Hydra needs us. We need Hydra.

Lexa, stop being so stubborn! Hydra aren't the good guys! Hydra hurt you! Hydra refused to tell us about our family!

Elise... I just... I can't let them forcefully take us. We're gonna be in so much trouble already, we need to go back to protect ourselves.

"Lexa, get out of your head for fuck's sake!" I snapped out loud.

Lexa blinked and stepped back, letting go of my hands.


"Lexa, get out of your head for fuck's sake!" Elise snapped at me out loud.

I blinked, feeling shock run through me. Stepping back, I let go of her hands.


"No Lexa! I'm not a little kid anymore, you're not even older than me! I can protect myself, and the Avengers can protect us!"

I felt my breathing hasten as she spoke, frustration clear in her voice.

"You need to let go of this whole 'Hydra are good but they're gonna punish us' act!"

I saw desperation in my sister's eyes.

"If you're about to tell me Hydra's good, I'm about to hit you around the head with these leggings," Elise warned, turning away from me.

I bit my lip.

"I'm..." I hesitated.

My sister turned to me questioningly. I was surprised at how confrontational she was being. She'd never been like this before. But I was proud. Proud that she wasn't just accepting things without question anymore. Proud that she was doing good for herself. She was right. Elise didn't need protecting. She could take care of herself.

"I didn't want you to get hurt," I admitted. "All those times in Hydra, when you never got punished..."

I came to a halt. Elise's eyes widened ever so slightly and she whispered, "They hurt you instead."

I saw tears pricking Elise's eyes. Regret, pain, anger, I couldn't tell. I went over to her and held her hands, tightly this time. Looking at her levelly in the eyes, I told her, "I promised myself to protect you and look after you. But now..."

I smiled slightly.

"You can take care of yourself."

Elise nodded slowly, before pulling me into a hug. A hug we shared for almost a minute, before there was a knock at the bedroom door.

"Hey, kids, Wanda told me to tell you breakfast is ready!" I heard a male voice say.

That's when I realise we still only know Natasha, Pietro and Wanda.

Elise smiled after she silently told me this.

For real. Come on, let's find out who they are.

I held out my hand and she took it, following me out the room. We saw the man with dirty blond hair. I blinked, trying to figure out who he was, but before I could, he turned to lead us downstairs. Elise opened her mouth a few times to ask, but never did. When we got to the kitchen, most of the team were there (at least I assumed most of them).

"Hey Clint," Natasha said to the blond guy in front of us, nodding.

"Morning Nat," Clint replied as me and Elise went to sit on the barstools.

"Clint, you literally saw me five minutes ago," Natasha replied, deadpan.

"Aw, come on, aren't I allowed to say good morning to my best friend?" Clint teased, playfully punching Natasha's upper arm.

I - looking around - saw Wanda approach us and place plates in front of me and my sister.

"Breakfast is served," she announced with a proud smile.

'Twins' - Alternate MCU - ON HOLDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang