4. Interrogation

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Just as Lexa was relaxing a little, we heard a door open. Someone else was stood outside the glass. Lexa sat up and glared at the woman.

"Her again?" she spat, seeming to recognise the woman.

"Yes, me again," the woman replied calmly, not taking her eyes off my sister.

Her eyes were emerald green. They showed no emotion, however hard I looked.

"What do you want?" Lexa demanded.

"Just some answers," the woman replied, sitting down on a chair outside the cell.

"Fuck off, you aren't getting shit out of us!"

"Uhuh? We'll see about that."



Lexa came back over to me and sat down. I reached to hold her hand comfortingly, but she pulled it away.

"Lexa, please," I whispered. "Just put on an act or something."

I made sure to whisper this last bit directly in my twin's ear.

"If you want," Lexa muttered, staring at her hands.

I nodded and fell silent again, leaning my head against the wall. Lexa looked over at me expectantly.

"Patience," I told her, glancing at the woman who was still looking at Lexa.

Lexa nodded slightly. I stared at the floor for a few minutes, before looking back up at the woman. She was looking at me now, intently scrutinising me. Her eyes were as stoic as before. Eventually, after a minute of prolonged eye contact, she stood up and went over to the glass.

"How long will it take for you to talk?" the woman asked.

"We're surprisingly patient," Lexa replied icily.

"So we're playing this game, huh?" the woman asked, crossing her arms. "Well, I don't have all day, so you'd better start talking before we force you."

I felt my stomach turn. Make us? What would they do? Glancing at Lexa, I saw her staring daggers at the woman. With her stare diverted, I took a moment to summon fake tears.

"It- it wasn't our fault," I murmured, looking down to hide my slight smirk.

"What?" the woman asked.

"They made us," I replied, sniffing.

"Hydra?" the woman pressed.

I nodded, letting a cold, fake tear roll down my pale face.

"What happened there?" the red-head asked.

"They... they were cruel," I whimpered. "They didn't feed us for days and were brutal if we didn't do what they wanted."

After a moment of silence, the woman guessed, "Elise, right?"

"H-how do you know?" I stammered, looking up, genuinely confused.

Lexa stood near me, looking between me and my interrogator with confusion plastered on her face.

"The beauty of cameras," the woman replied, a smirk appearing. "Which includes knowing that you're putting on an act to make both me and yourself look foolish."

I felt the colour drain from my face. Shit.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I stuttered, putting on my best innocent, which wasn't great considering the circumstance.

"I mean I don't believe a word you're saying," my interrogator replied.

I couldn't find any words. Thankfully, Lexa stepped in, saying, "If you know our names, surely we should know yours?"

The woman nodded, still with the same smirk on her face.

"Agent Romanoff," she introduced. "It'd be preferred if you told us the truth now we're properly introduced."

She let her gaze flick between me and my sister. Lexa went over to the glass and banged her fist against it hard. I saw Agent Romanoff's eyes flash with something as Lexa brought her hand away from the glass. Spots of blood appeared on her knuckles, some smeared on the glass. I stood up quickly and went across to her.

"No, Lexa, don't do that please," I whispered, taking her hand and leading her back to the bed.

"I'd rather die than be in here!" Lexa spat, glaring at Agent Romanoff.

"You won't die," I replied firmly. "Not without me."

She chuckled as I pulled my sleeve down and gently patted it against the wound. She hissed through her teeth as it stung her, and I saw her flinch.

"I'll get someone to sort that out," I heard Agent Romanoff say, before she walked out.

"Stupid idiot," Lexa mumbled. "Thinking she's perfect or some shit."

I chuckled.

"She never said she was perfect," I pointed out. "She's just another agent who wants information. Easy to avoid talking, like always."

"Well your 'act' didn't work, did it?" Lexa snapped.

"Clearly she's a bit more... how should I put this... trained?"

I felt the muscles in Lexa's arm tense like she was about to pull away, but she didn't.

"Sorry," she said, pulling me in for a hug. "I'm just not used to being interrogated like that. Romanoff's eyes were terrifying."

"You didn't seem that scared."

"Anger pushes fear out of the way sometimes."

We both looked towards the door as it opened. The cell door, this time. This time, it was a man, one neither of us recognised. He was average height, dark greyish hair, and carried a first-aid box in his left hand. Behind him was Agent Romanoff. The man went over to Lexa and told her to sit down. Lexa - knuckles still bleeding slightly - obeyed. Agent Romanoff came over to me and took me by my arm, leading me away. Her grip was surprisingly gentle until I tried to push her away.

"Elise, come on," she told me.

"Why? Where am I going?" I demanded, scared of being apart from Lexa.

"Not far, I promise, you'll be fine," Agent Romanoff promised.

I looked over just in time to see the Lexa falling unconcious - likely a sedative - and I panicked. I tried to run over, but Agent Romanoff grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back.

"Lexa!" I yelled. "No! Get off!"

"Elise, calm down! Elise!" Agent Romanoff was trying to get my attention.

I went quiet for a minute to hear her out, but I still struggled to get out of her grasp.

"It's not my call, Elise," she told me. "It's not to hurt you, we want you to meet one of our team."

I blinked in confusion. Usually when we got caught, being split up wasn't ever good. I looked back over at Lexa. The man had cleaned her knuckles and came over to us. By this point, I'd stopped fighting. Romanoff's arms were still around my waist so I didn't try get away.

"Why did you sedate her?" I asked, my voice laced with anxiety.

"Because I knew that getting you separated wouldn't go well," the man replied.

"Well no shit, the last time we were-" I started, then stopped.

Don't expose yourself you idiot!

"The last time you were...?" Agent Romanoff urged me to finish.

"Nothing," I muttered.

I failed to notice the glance shared between Romanoff and the other man and it took me a second to realise that the man had slipped a needle inside my arm.

"The fuck...?" I trailed off, falling limp.

The last thing I remember was Agent Romanoff catching me before I hit the floor.

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