7. Freedom?

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I waited with Clint until Lexa stirred. I was surprised how much of an effect my widow bites had on her. Usually - depending on the person - they'd go from almost knocking someone out to having them passed out for a minute or so. I felt bad for not thinking before I did it, but it was the easiest way to get Lexa out of the situation. Nobody knew why she'd left Elise.

"Afternoon," Clint joked as Lexa shot up.

She sat on my bed, looking around frantically - wait, was that fear?

"Where's Elise?" she asked. "Is she okay? Did they take her?"

"Lexa, she's fine," I told her. "You know she's still here, you were the one trying to leave."

Lexa looked at me, breathing quickly.

"Why were you going to leave her?" I asked, getting straight to the point. "I thought you hated us."

Lexa blinked, clearly unsure of how to answer. Me and Clint shared a glance.

"You can tell us," Clint told the girl. "We won't hurt you, or your sister."

Lexa still didn't speak.

"Look, Lexa," I started. "I know you don't trust us. But you need to understand, we're trying to help you here. Hydra have some pretty bad people, and could do anything they wanted to young girls."

This last bit was said with my own past in mind. The Red Room wasn't Hydra. But the horrors they inflicted on girls as young as my sister, girls like me... I wouldn't be surprised if Hydra did such things - or worse. And if Hydra can manipulate the mind of a fully grown man in the army, god knows what they can do to two vulnerable girls.

"They didn't do anything to us!" Lexa cried, her voice breaking.

She went invisible, but I could see she was still sat on my bed from the creases on the bed sheets. Clint moved his arm to touch her, but I shook my head. I heard a sniff - quiet but audible. We waited in silence, one that grew awkward, so Clint got up and murmured in my ear, "I'm gonna check on the other girl."

I nodded as he left and closed my door behind me.

"Lexa, you don't have to hide," I told her, going and sitting next to her.

I still couldn't see her, so I simply looked ahead. I didn't get a response, so I continued and repeated my original question.

"Why did you try to leave Elise?"

I heard a sad sigh.

"She said she didn't want to go with Hydra," Lexa bluntly said. "I told them to take me instead of her. I don't agree with her, but if she wants to stay..."

The girl trailed off, slowly becoming visible again.

"It's her decision," I finished off.

The brown haired girl nodded sadly.

"You sacrificed yourself for her," I said with a hint of pride.

I respected Lexa immensely for that.

"No!" Lexa snapped, looking up at me. "I didn't sacrifice myself! Hydra aren't bad!"

I looked straight into her eyes.

"Hydra aren't the good guys," I told her. "And we aren't the bad guys. Whatever Hydra told you, or did to you to make you believe it... they're liars and talking bullshit."

Lexa didn't move or respond. I could tell she was thinking about what I'd said. After a minute of this pondering silence, she moved her left hand to her right arm and pulled up the suit sleeve. It revealed a deep scar going about three inches horizontally. I felt my nostrils involuntarily flare with shock, but I didn't show any more shock than that.

"What did they do to you?" I asked.

Lexa took a moment to reply.

"One time... Elise got stuck on a mission. Hydra had to send out a team to get her back. We're too good for them to leave us. Plus, they care about us," she replied, doubt flashing in her eyes briefly. "When we got back, they made me cut myself. They said I had to learn to be more careful."

I reached my hand and took her arm. It tensed in my light grip. I traced my finger across the scar, before looking back up at her.

"You think this is what the good guys would do?" I questioned.

Lexa shrugged.

"They fed us as long as we were good. They treated us well."

I nodded. I was pleased with the amount of information Lexa was telling me. I knew I had to report to Ross. Hopefully he wouldn't want to put them away in The Raft if he thinks we're getting through to them. But a part of me was genuinely interested and concerned.

"How long have you been there?" I asked gently, expecting to be told that they were kidnapped or something.

"All our lives," the girl replied.

Okay, I didn't expect that.

"We were born into Hydra."

"Did they give you your powers?" I pressed.

This was getting interesting. However, just as I was getting close to something, Lexa pulled her arm away from me and stood up. She went over to the door, but I was quicker, standing in her way.

"Lexa, I know it'll take time for you to trust us, but-" I faltered. "I want to offer you freedom."

"What?" Lexa asked, visibly confused.

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