16. Shopping!

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Both girls ate quickly, barely stopping. I felt guilt in my stomach, knowing they too were victims of Hydra. Pietro must've seen my worry, as he came over and put his hands on my shoulders.

"They're okay now, they're safe with us," he muttered.

I nodded slowly.

"I just need to be grateful for what I've got I guess," I said with a small scoff.

I knew I was still scared of losing everyone. Pietro nearly died in the battle that cost many Sokovians' lives. I was scared to lose him. I was scared of losing this family that I had now. The Avengers. I knew how scary it was to lose the people closest to me.

"They're strong girls, they'll be alright," Pietro murmured in my ear, rubbing my shoulders.

"You two done, already?" Clint asked them.

Elise nodded, whilst Lexa replied, "We didn't exactly get fed feasts at Hydra."

Clint nodded and cast sympathetic glances at the girls, who responded with either a glare or turning away.


When I saw the twins' reactions to Clint's sympathetic look, I walked by him, pinching his bicep as I passed. He groaned then tutted briefly, but didn't challenge me. I went over to the Thorpe-Barlowes and - putting a hand on each of their shoulders - told them, "We'll be leaving in 10."

"Where should we meet you?" Elise asked immediately.

"Do you know where the garage is?" I asked.

Lexa shook her head whilst Elise nodded her head. Of course, we hadn't told them, but I was confused as to how Elise knew.

"How did you know?" I asked the shyer girl.

A small smile played on her lips as she replied, "Psychic navigation."

"Ah," I nodded, not knowing what that even was. "Anyways, I'm going to my room, see you in the garage in 10."

The four of us (me, Wanda, Elise and Lexa) enjoyed our trip into town. The twins had free reign over what they could buy, and went from shop to shop buying anything they wanted. Tony had given me two of his credit cards (one I gave to Wanda) and told me to let them have what they wanted. I wasn't going to stop them getting what they wanted even if Tony hadn't told me not to. God knows what they'd been through, and if we were going to get them to trust us, this seemed like a good place to start. I waited outside a shop for Lexa and watched Wanda with Elise in the shop next door. A smile formed on my face as I saw Elise seem genuinely happy and comfortable in Wanda's presence. The more shy twin seemed to be more trusting than her more protective sister.

"Done!" I heard a voice beside me.

I turned to see Lexa holding three bags in her left hand, fumbling to put the credit card in a purse she had bought. I took the bags from her to free up her hands. Once she'd put the purse away, I passed her two of the bags but held onto one to help her out a little. We began to walk towards the shop the other two were in when Lexa asked me, "Who hurt you?"

I looked at her, confused. She saw my look of confusion and explained, "Your reaction when I said that nobody had controlled you. Someone has. Who?"

I sighed and looked at the floor.

"You don't wanna know," I replied.

"Yes I do," Lexa pressed. "I've seen people dying, being tortured. I've tortured people myself, I won't be hurt."

"I never-"

"I know you're protecting me Natasha," Lexa bluntly pointed out. "Whether conscious or not, I don't appreciate it. I can look after myself."

Biting my lip slightly, I finally said, "The Red Room."

I expected to hear a response from the young girl but I heard nothing except the brown paper bags she was carrying.

"We - Clint and I - took them down as part of my defection to SHIELD," I continued, choosing what memories I decided to recall to the twin. "We blew up the building in Budapesht and killed the leader."

"Budapesht?" Lexa asked with a laugh.

"Oh for god's sake, not you too," I sighed with a smirk.

"Yeah, me too," Lexa replied, smiling. "Who the fuck in god's name says 'BudapESHT'? It's 'BudapEST'.

I shook my head slowly as we were now nearing the tills where Elise and Wanda were paying. We both waited patiently until the other two came over, almost drowning in bags. It looked as if Wanda had gone on a shopping spree herself!

"I thought this trip was about these two?" I questioned humourously to Wanda, indicating to the twins.

The red-head giggled softly.

"Sorry," she apologised. "I couldn't help myself!"

I rolled my eyes jokingly and said, "I don't think Tony would mind if we bought you two phones?"

Elise's eyes widened.

"Really?" she asked hopefully.

"Of course," I replied.

"A-are you sure?" Lexa asked, suspicious again.

I know I shouldn't say this, but she really needs to stop being so wary about everything!

"Lexa, what could possibly happen that would hurt you or Elise from getting a phone?" Wanda asked, turning to the girl.

"Hydra, stalkers, rapists, murderers, mercenaries-"

"Okay, okay, chill," I put my hand out. "Nothing will happen to either of you. We're the Avengers. Nobody's going to hurt you."

Lexa seemed to take a small amount of comfort from this and nodded. So the phone store was where we headed next.


By the end of the day, the twins were exhausted. It was 9pm and when I looked into their room, they were figuring out their phones together.

"Uhm, I think that's like... y'know how Hydra used to back up files on the computer?"


"I think it's like that, but for photos and videos and stuff."

"Ohhh. Sorta like volatile and non-volatile storage?"


I left their room without them seeing me and went into the kitchen.

"Are they alright?" Vision asked, who was washing dishes.

"Tired but yes," I replied, going over to help.

We washed in silence for a few moments until Vision asked, "Do you perhaps feel a sort of..."



"For the twins?"

Vision nodded, placing a bowl on the draining rack. I picked it up and began drying it with a towel as I replied, "I guess. They are so similar to me and Pietro... but younger."

"Experiences will always vary between individuals. But what you can relate to these girls is the suffering you experienced. Suffering is a shared feeling," Vision explained.

I smiled slightly. The synthezoid's words always had a calming effect on me.

"I don't know whether to start the conversation about Hydra with them," I told Vision honestly. "Someone has to get the information to give to Ross or he'll take them."

"How about you talk to Elise?" Vision suggested. "She seems to have more trust in you than Lexa."

I hummed my response.


Maybe I could talk to Elise? But would she trust me enough to tell me the whole of what happened? I'd only known her for a couple of days. 

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