27. Airport

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Lexa was going to call Natasha, but she'd been blocked - so had I. I didn't know why, but one could only assume it was because of the tensions on the team. We ran away that night. Neither of us knew where Yelena was, and the phone call wasn't traceable. Wherever it was, Yelena was likely dead - either killed by the gunshot we heard or killed after 'they' found out we'd left. Our first instinct was to try get back to the compound, but we'd need to get a flight there. We spent the night travelling to the airport - on foot should I add. In the early hours, we managed to get some sleep and Lexa bought us some food and drink.

We woke up at around midday to find the airport carpark empty - besides an old looking car and a van.

"No airport should be-"

I was cut off by a loud crash from the actual airport.

"What was that?" Lexa asked.

We got to our feet and - after stashing our bags away - went to investigate. We emerged from the cover of the airport to the scene of fighting.

The people fighting?

"The Avengers?" Lexa murmured in disbelief, watching as Steve was attacked by Rhodey in his suit and some other guy dressed in a panther suit.

"Shh, look!" I hushed Lexa, pointing at where Tony was in the air in his suit, and Wanda and Clint were facing him.

"I thought Clint retired?" Lexa mumbled.

"Yeah, so did I."

From the spot we were in, we couldn't be seen unless someone was actually looking for us, but we could see and hear a lot of what was going on.

I heard Tony's voice but couldn't make out what he was saying.

"You locked me in my room," Wanda's voice echoed.

"Okay, first, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you," Tony replied, aiming his blasters at her.

Wanda's head tilted to the side dangerously.

"Hey Clint," Tony turned to the archer.

I didn't hear Clint's response.

"Clearly retirement doesn't suit you. Got tired of shooting golf?"

"Well I played 18. Shot 18."

After a moment, he added, "Just can't seem to miss."

Clint aimed arrows towards Tony and shot them. They missed by quite a bit and Tony shot them out of the air.

"Well, first time for everything," Tony commented.

I saw Clint's mouth move but again couldn't hear his words. My eyes snapped to where Wanda was pulling down cars from the higher levels of the car park down on Stark.

"Shit, come on, let's move," Lexa ordered, grabbing my arm and dragging me away.

As we ran, I heard the crashing of the cars until we entered the actual airport, where we instead saw some guy in a red and blue suit shooting webs and swinging across the roof.

"Looks like we ran into the airport traffic," Lexa commented as Sam burst around the corner (flying in his wings), shooting at the other guy.

Lexa pulled me behind a locker and we heard the commotion.

"Hey buddy I think you lost this!"

And a crash. The sound of webs being shot, grunts and Sam's wings.

Suddenly, Sam yelled out and I heard him crash to the ground. Behind the locker, I let myself see heat signatures through the locker. I saw Sam on the ground, having just fallen there. I saw another man behind a post - he seemed to be missing the heat signature of his left arm. And of course, the kid with the webs (lets just call him web-kid for now).

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