22. Funeral

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It was Peggy Carter's funeral that day. She'd passed away in her sleep a week ago and Steve had been quite reserved the whole time. Sam had gone with Steve to the funeral, but the rest of us had stayed at the compound. Yelena was incessantly asking me about Peggy and I kept having to reply "I don't know" because honestly Steve had rarely spoken about Peggy.

When I knew the service had ended, I left the compound and went to where I knew the funeral had been held. It was a large chapel, with white quartz walls, beautiful stained glass windows (with patterns that both amazed and confused me) and many rows of dark oak seats.

I saw Steve leant against one of the rows and went over.

"You alright?" I asked, concerned as I saw the super-soldier with his head hung over.

He looked up at me, attempting to mask his sadness and nodded.

"Why are you here?" he asked - not obtrusively, just out of interest.

"I thought you might need someone," I replied softly.

He chuckled quietly.

"Says the person who's been pretty lonely recently."

"I'm not exactly lonely," I said. "Just..."

I let out a sigh, fidgeting with my fingers slightly.

"The Accords?" Steve guessed.

I nodded.

"They're tearing the team in half and.." I hesitated to continue. "We're a family."

There were a few moments of silence in the chapel as we both were deep in thought.

Looking up at me, Steve asked, "Who's signing?"

"Rhodey, Tony, me and Vision."

"Wanda and Pietro?"


Steve nodded slowly.

"And Yelena?" he asked.

"Not signing. Neither are the twins."

"The twins are required to sign it?" Steve asked, confusion visible in his blue eyes. "They're under 16. The Accords say-"

"Ross has overriden that protocol," I informed. "He wants them to sign because of their history."


"The signing is in Vienna tomorrow," I told Steve. "There's more than enough room on the jet."

I smiled slightly, trying to lighten the subject. However, Steve shook his head.

"I've made my decision. I'm not signing."

I opened my mouth to speak but didn't. This was his decision, after all. Instead, I opened my arms for a hug, and he took up the offer.

Although I was smaller than the super soldier, we still comfortably hugged each other.

I knew that whatever happened, me and Steve would maintain our strong friendship. What I didn't know however, what was going to come next.



Sorry this is so short, but y'know I had to do Peggy's death!

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