12. Negotiation

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I waited impatiently to see Elise. When she emerged from Wanda's room I wrapped my arms around her.

"Thank fuck, I thought you'd gone or something," she mumbled into my ear.

I laughed bitterly.


"You didn't have to go with them for me," Elise told me looking into my eyes.

I opened my mouth to speak, but I didn't get to speak as Pietro grabbed onto my arm and urged, "Hurry up!"

I was thankful I didn't have to reply to Elise's question. I didn't want to tell her how I'd taken punishment to protect her in the past. My twin held onto my sleeve as we went down to the cell block. Suddenly, I felt a tug. Turning, I saw she'd stopped, fear in her eyes.

"Elise, come on, we're nearly there," Clint said.

She shook her head and backed up.

"I don't want to go," she whispered.

I took hold of her hands.

"It's not for long," I told her, hoping I was right. "They're..."

I went to her ear to admit, "...looking after us."

Elise nodded silently, but I could tell she was still reluctant as we went into the cell. Clint locked the door behind us. Wanda stood in front of the glass, saying, "We'll make sure Ross doesn't lock you up for good."

I nodded and looked over at Elise, who was sat in the corner. The three left and we were left alone. Walking over to my scared sister, I promised, "I won't let anyone take you, I promise."


Everyone was now sat around the conference table - except for Clint, Wanda and Pietro. Ross stood at the head of the table and asked, "Where's Barton and the Maximoffs?"

With a convincing tone I lied, "Just coming down. They won't be long."

"They'd better not be, or I'll take the girls from you right here and now."

I let my cold emerald stare pierce Ross so he looked away from me. The door opened and the three absentees walked in. Ross eyed each one suspiciously as they took their seats, but I saw no obvious giveaway. Wanda was avoiding eye contact, but she tended to do so anyway.

"Now everyone is here, we need to discuss the matter of the twins," Secretary Ross began. "What information - if any - have you got?"

Ross gave us all a contemptuous look as he said this, making me and Tony share an exasperated glance. Clearly the secretary dissed our abilities. Steve spoke first.

"We got enough information," he said politely.

"Such as?" Ross questioned expectantly. "Names? Reasons? Mental disorders?"

He smirked at his last question. I felt my fist clench under the table. Ross was being especially smug today.

"Lexa and Elise Thorpe-Barlowe," Steve replied with the same politeness. "They were raised by Hydra for as long as they can remember and Hydra gave them their powers."

"We suspect they went through a similar experience of gaining powers as the Maximoffs," Tony put in.

"We don't know that for sure," Wanda interjected.

"Anything else?" Ross asked.

I scoffed and replied, "We've only had them for a couple of hours. We can't exactly interrogate them like we'd usually do either. They're kids. They're just as confused as us."

"Really Romanoff?" Ross challenged.

I smiled slightly, looking down for a second, before looking back up. I tapped my finger against the table a few times, before suggesting, "Let's negotiate."


I smirked as I saw irritation sneak into Natasha's expression. I saw her finger tap against the table as she suggested, "Let's negotiate."

Ross raised his eyebrows.

"Are you the boss?" he challenged.

"She's trying to do the ethical thing here," I defended my friend.

Nat shot me a grateful glance. I nodded slightly in return. Ross sighed and put his hands on the table.

"Alright then, what have you got?"

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