my little family

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march 5th
north philly

baby sucked the crab meat out of the shell before discarding it into a small bucket the nurses gave to her. she was enjoying her first seafood boil as a free woman. manny listened to his wife slurp and suck as she devoured the bag in front of her. he let out a small giggle before she stopped completely.

"what's funny ?" she asked as she waited for a response

"they way you slurping on that crab leg"

"i haven't had seafood in so long you don't understand" she pleaded her case

"i don't, shits nasty" he admitted. she rolled her eyes and quickly finished up as she knew tru would be rolling in soon. made sure to tuck everything away before washing her hands and brushing her teeth. she didn't know if he was allergic to anything and didn't want to risk it. soon tru was rolled in and he was awake. he had on a bape onsie that manny found doing some deep digging on grailed.

"mom, here you are" the nurse said as she handed him over wrapped in a blanket. he was so tiny, and he was so cute. he resembled manny more than he did baby but she didn't mind, it was just proof she didn't cheat.

"hi baby" she rocked him in her arms, making sure to kiss his little fingers and soft skin. he tried to talk but he couldnt. given he was only hours old. manny stood up as he thought baby had enough time and it was his turn.

"aight, let me see my son" he couldn't wait to use that line, baby handed him over cautiously

"hold my baby right manuel" is all she said before she handed tru off

"i love you lil man" is the first thibg manny said to his creation. he was sure to gentle, he didn't want to hurt the precious thing in his arms.

"are you gonna sing to him?" baby asked, remembering the one day he did sing to her.

"maybe" manny side eyed his wife

march 10th

the next few days were filled with rest and greetings. everyone was excited to see the baby, but baby couldn't help but feel like everyone was keeping something from her. she decided her best route was to talk to manny about it. once tru was down for his nap, she made her way toward the kitchen to ask manny.

"manny" she called out as she turned the corner to see him on the couch with his friends.

"wassup my love" he asked, not shy to be territorial in front of all of the men in his home.

"can i talk to you?" she asked, he looked up from his phone and turned it off before sliding it into his pocket as he got up. he looked around at all of his friends before issuing another warning

"light anything in here that's 10 shots, my son upstairs don't be dumb" is all he said before following baby to the kitchen

"what's wrong?" he asked, a look of concern laced into his expression

"why it feel like you and everyone else hiding something from me?" she asked and she watched  his face grow nervous

"don't do this ta me, it's supposed to be a surprise baby" he pleaded with her, knowing he was going to crack if she asked. knowing he would do anything she ever asked.

"what's supposed to be a surprise?" she asked

"we getting married in Brazil in august" he admitted

"when were you gonna tell me? nothing is organized" she started to say

"yo momma handled allat already while you was pregnant, we got the invites and travel plans allat, you jus gotta pick yo dress" he assuaged her anxiety

"that's it?" she asked as she twirled her ring

"yeah, and that's anotha thing" manny said reaching into his back pocket, "i was gon give it ya you lata, but you anxious and shit" he pulled out a rock from the box he pulled out of his pants pocket, "this yo new ring" he slid it onto her finger, "you for real about marrying me?" he asked her as he made sure it was on right

"manny" she started to interrupt his anxious thoughts

"i'm serious, you not just marrying me cuz i trapped you right?" he asked

"i promise poppa" she said as she pecked his lips, "i love you" she pecked his lips again. manny felt his body heat up as baby interacted with him.

"ion know if i can do a month without touching you" he said as she rubbed all on her belly. pregnancy had filled baby in where she needed. not that she needed to be any thicker or any prettier, but the after affects were apparent. or maybe it was because she was the mother of his child that manny looked at her with such admiration. her hair was silkier and longer, her nails had grown out and her skin had a glow that he'd never seen. her smile was a lot more mature, and overall he was just competent he got to experience this with her.

"you can, it's one more month" she said as she rubbed his chest, reminding her of the gifts she got for him. "hold on!" she exclaimed as she scurried away to find the gift boxes. she brought them out shortly after finding them, and presented them to manny. "here's your push gifts" she said as she slid the boxes to his side of the table. he slowly unwrapped a long box, which he knew was a chain. as he opened the box, the diamonds on the link flashed and he pulled out a gold chain with a pendant that had a picture of baby and tru in the middle. "look at the back" she urged as he turned it around and caught the engraving. 'baby and tru always love u' it read. he didn't even wanna open the other box but baby urged him to. it was a smaller box, but on the inside it was a polaroid. a singular polaroid. manny looked between the flash and could make out his birthday in a tattoo, it took him a moment to piece it together before he realized baby had gotten his birthday tattooed on her.

"let me see" he said as she excitedly ripped at her clothes

"hold on" she pulled up her shirt and you could see his full name resting under her boob, "your lucky your birthday is cute, i thought about this long and hard." she joked, "i also got tru's" she held up her arm to show manny

he couldn't hold it in, everything he did for baby he wanted to tell her because he thought she deserved it, "i bought you a house" manny said, only heightening the excitement in the room

"manny you didn't" baby felt her stomach sink

"i did cause i love you and our son, i love yall" he assured as he pulled baby into a tight squeeze

"i love you more" she kissed all over his face

"you really love me" he said more to himself than to baby, he couldn't believe that everything was working out. he let her put the chain back on him, and the two could've spent all day together but baby heard something on tru's monitor and manny still had to attend to his friends. he waltzed back into the room, feeling reminded of all the love he had around him.

"nigga when you get that chain?" one of his friends asked

"it's a push gift" manny joked as his boys laughed

"you got a good ass woman" one random said, throwing the vibe because it was weird. why say that about another man's woman as you're sitting in his house

"i know" is all manny said before tuning back into whatever was on the TV

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