Chapter 46

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Rachel's POV:

All the pain I have endured in my life time was well worth it as I held my son in my hands for the first time. Damian helped to deliver the child, and the first cries came from him as he held our son in his arms.

Damian rested the pup in my arms, and I instantly checked his scent, wanting to remember it forever.

"Damian," I managed to say through my tears. "He's perfect."

"Yes," Damian came around and leaned forward, his head touching mine. "Our son is perfect."

"He looks so much like his father," Donna came over, checking out her Godson. "But with his mother's temperament I see."

I smiled down at my sleeping son. He barely cried for more than a minute before he was in my arms, sleeping.

"Well done," Damian's father nodded approvingly. "You did a fine job, Rachel. And congratulations, my son."

"Thank you father," Damian didn't even bother to look away from our child long enough to look at his dad.

"We will all leave you to rest," he turned to everyone in the room expectantly. "Now," he said when no one made a move to leave.

The crowd that had gathered soon left, leaving Damian and I to be alone with our son. His smile eyes opened, looking us both over before giving a soft smile.

I cried, so relieved to finally be holding my son. "Damian," I had to ask. "What happened?"

"The pack doctor signed his death wish," he kissed my forehead. "Be drugged you and was about to perform a C-section on you when I came back."

"Why?" I was horrified that someone I trusted would do that.

"I do not know, but I intend to find out," he promised. "But for now, let's forget about it and focus on our son."

"Agreed," I looked back down at my green-eyed miracle.

"What should we name him," Damian asked as he brushed some hair out of my face.

"What about Malik?" I have always loved that name. It sounded strong and wise. Just like how I wanted my son to grow up.

"I like it," Damian agreed. "Malik Wayne."

"Has a nice ring to it," I smiled proudly at my son.

"It does," Damian hugged me. "I am so proud of you." He kissed the top of my head. "You brought our son into this world. You are the strongest person I know."

"That's not true and you know it. I am too tired to argue with you about it though," I leaned my head back. "I think I have to close my eyes."

"Let me take Malik," Damian said before grabbing my son from me. The way he held Malik was the most heart warming thing I have ever seen.

"I can't believe there was ever a time when I didn't want him," Damian said more to himself and he rocked the baby in his arms. "How stupid of me."

"Let's not dwell in the past," I said before yawning. "Let's just look to the future."

I closed my eyes and rested my head against the soft pillow, letting myself drift off to sleep.

Author's Note:

Thanks to @dewapaig592 for the idea of what to name the baby!!! I knew everyone wanted to switch since most of my stories had them having a girl, so thank you for the suggestion!!!

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