Chapter 31

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Half the day goes by and before I know it, it is already mid-afternoon. Donna and I talked and I eventually explained everything to her. Of course, she was on my side about things, but she was able to play the advocate for Damian's point of view.

So now I was feeling a little less rejected and back to my normal self.

"What about going out tonight? I mean out of this castle? Conner has a shift and we can sneak out and get some pizza from the nearby town." She suggests.

"You are just trying to kill our mates aren't you?" I smirked.

"Just trying to live a little," she smirks and squeezes my hand.

"Are we even sure we can leave the castle?" I asked, liking the sound of getting some regular pizza from a restaurant instead of some gourmet pizza from a chef.

"Of course, we can," Donna stood up and started grabbing clothes from her closet. "Conner took me out a few nights ago. I know of a nice pizza place that smelled good. Conner just didn't want to eat there."

"Does he not like pizza?" I had to ask.

"He says it's okay," Donna rolled her eyes.

"How horrible," I gasped in fake shock. "You should just leave him. You and I both know that a man who doesn't like pizza isn't the man for you."

"He has other redeeming qualities," Donna smirked. "Like the eight inches he is packing."

"Ew, gross," I cover my ears. "I don't need to know that."

"You brought it up," she smirked and slipped into a shirt.

"I believe you were the one who brought it up," I shake my head.

"Okay," she grabs my hand. "I might have brought it up. Now, onto the next thing. You need to change so you aren't so noticeable. I don't mean to sound bad, but this slip dress makes you stand out. In a sexy way."

"Let me see your closet," I sighed and walked in, picking out a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt that made me look normal. I came out, now dressed, and grabbed Donna's bag. "I will pay you back."

"Don't worry about it," she shrugs and follows me out, taking her bag from me. "This is my treat."

We walked out, surprisingly not running into anyone. We walked the halls, making sure to be quiet so we don't attract attention. We were at the main doors now, ready to walk out when we heard two guards coming.

"What's your plan for after work?" One of the guards asked the other.

"Nothing much," the other one shrugged. "Marge is going to cook tonight so I hope the house is still there when we get there." They both laugh.

I hear them coming closer so I grab Donna's arm and run out the door, evading their attention. We run down the steps of the castle and hide behind a bush to catch our breath. I laugh as this is the first time I have ever had this much fun running away.

"We did it!" Donna jumped up and down, just as excited as I was.

"Shhh," I cover her mouth. "We are trying to be sneaking out. Not yelling to get everyone's attention." I whispered.

She nods and we both go quiet as we sneak down to the main road and start walking toward the town. Donna leads the way as she has been here before, and I just follow closely. We got there after half an hour of walking, and I was so glad I chose sneakers instead of the heels I was wearing before.

"I am so hungry," I groan against Donna.

"So am I," she nods in agreement. "Just a little more. We are in town now, but we are two blocks from the place."

"You have such a good memory," I compliment her.

"When it comes to pizza, I can remember anything," she smirks and nudges my arm.

A few more minutes and we are standing in front of the building taking in the glorious scent of fresh pizza. I melt into my chair as we are seated in a booth and order two glasses of water just for myself. Donna does the same.

"What else?" The waitress asks.

"A large cheese pizza and a small blueberry dessert pizza," Donna orders, knowing just what she wants. The waitress walks away with our orders and we down an entire glass of what before turning to each other and laughing.

"I can't believe we did that," I smirk.

"It feels so invigorating," Donna nods in agreement. "Can you imagine the guys finding out about this?"

"They would be so pissed," I can only imagine the look on Damian's face if he ever found out I left the castle without him knowing. "We wouldn't be allowed to hang out with each other again because they wouldn't trust us."

"And that is why we have to be back before seven," Donna says in a firm tone.

The pizza comes and we dig in. Before long it is six thirty. Donna and I pay and start leaving, knowing it takes about thirty minutes to walk back to the castle. And as long as we are inside by seven, it shouldn't be a problem.

We can just say we were hanging out in the castle all day, exploring. It is big enough that our story is plausible.

Donna and I neared the castle steps at seven on the dot. We looked up and saw two figures standing there with their arms crossed. Donna and I stopped dead in our tracks as we noticed our Mates.

We were about to turn around and try another door when they both spotted us.

"Donna!" Conner said, fuming as he rushed down the steps.

"Rachel!" Damian followed his anger more stone-cold than yelling.

"Hi," Donna and I said at the same time.

Donna was quick on her feet to say, "We were just taking a walk outside. I guess we got turned around."

"Nice try," Damian growled, his anger worse than anything I have ever seen. "We had everyone searching the grounds. There was no way wouldn't have found you. You had to be off the grounds."

"Maybe you weren't looking in the right places," I managed to squeak out.

"And maybe you are just lying," Damian glared at me. "Where were you?"

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