Chapter 2

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It is now the day of the ball and Donna is running around all frantic, trying to find a dress. Out of all her dresses, none seemed to be the one she was looking for. I was trying to help, but without knowing what it looked like, I was useless in this search.

"I liked the red one that you wore before. What was wrong with that one?" I said as I dug through her closet.

"This dress isn't for me silly," Donna peaked out of her second closet. "You have to wear a dress too and I found the perfect one but I am not sure where I placed it."

"I already have the dress that Omega Grace gave to me. She is letting me borrow the black one." I remind her.

"The black one hardly fits you and doesn't even look fancy for this type of an event." Donna came out with a smile on her face, holding up a rich purple dress. "This would look better on you."

"Woah," I stopped everything I was doing and looked at the dress with amazement.

"I knew you would love it," she smiled and handed it to me. "Now get dressed and then come out so I can do your hair."

"I am not sure I can even wear this dress," I shook my head as I reluctantly took the dress from her hands. "I mean, this is far too much for me."

"It is a gift from me to you, so I would be offended if you didn't wear it," Donna said in a serious tone, showing how truthful she was. I nodded and smiled, looking at the stunning dress even closer. "Just go try it on." Donna shoved me into the bathroom.

I went and got changed, only a few hours before the party. Donna was changing in the other room and I knew she was excited to do my hair because she always talks about how pretty my hair is and how she wants to style it for me. So I hurry into my dress and stare at myself in the mirror, shocked at how stunning I look.

I am showing more cleavage than I normally do, but it was also secure and I felt nothing would slip out. My back hung low but somehow covered the scars with just enough fabric. It was perfect and made me feel beautiful.

Once I walked out, Donna was putting on her earrings. She stopped with her hands in the air and turned around with a bright smile. "You look amazing. I knew you would. Gosh, this is your color and style. You need to wear clothes like this more often."

"I would expect I can't afford these clothes and can't work in them." I reminded her with a light laugh.

"Gosh, I wish we could just leave now. Leave this whole pack behind. I would miss my mother and father, but I can't stand it here," she sits on the edge of her bed and I come to sit beside her.

"I know," I nod in understanding.

Donna has always had high expectations from her parents because she was born a female beta. Donna can't seem to live up to any of it, and she is praying to be free. I feel the same way she does, and that is why we are such good friends. We both want out of our prisons.

"Do you want to do my hair now?" I ask, knowing it would cheer her up a little.

"Yes," she shoots out of her seat and grabs her brush. "Come sit on my stool over here and let me work my magic."

I nod and come over, sitting in front of her and letting her work. I know Donna's passion is beauty and hair, so she loves to practice doing makeup and hair on me all the time. It is her dream to one day be a hairstylist and makeup artist.

And I try to help her with that dream.

A couple of hours later everything is done and my hair is up in a bun. Donna insisted on curling a small section of hair to hang on the sides of my face to 'frame' me, and I let her. Then Donna does her hair in a half-up-half-down look and curls her hair. In moments like these, we look like sisters.

"Ready?" She asks after we put all our jewelry and shoes on. (Donna let me borrow a simple purple diamond necklace).

"Yes," I nod and open the door for her. "After you, beta Troy."

"Thank you," she nods and walks ahead of me. I follow but keep my head down as we walk down the hall and out to the cars that were waiting. Donna gets in and then I sit beside her, thankful I am sitting in the beta car instead of the alpha.

The ride was spent in silence, Donna's parents too busy mind-linking each other to notice or say anything to their daughter. I could tell Donna was nervous about upsetting her parents tonight, I sent her an encouraging smile when no one was looking.

Two hours later we arrived at the main gates, shocked at how big the castle was. Someone opened the door for us, but I was of course the last person to get out. Then I followed the family to the front doors.

"Rachel," Alpha Luther's voice was cold as ice but I still turned and waited for what he had to say. "Don't disappoint me tonight. I only allowed you to come because the Troy's asked, but I am not afraid to kill you on the spot for anything you do that shows disrespect."

"I understand, Alpha," I say with a weak voice, my hands trembling at my side.

"Good," he said before walking ahead of me and greeting the family.

Donna came over, already done with the introductions, and grabbed my hand to pull me aside. "Are you alright? What did he say to you?"

"Nothing," I shook my head and took a few deep calming breaths, trying to stop shaking. "I have to calm down. Tell me about something else."

"I overheard Beta Greyson talking with Damian and it seems his mate is here. He can smell her." Donna tried to distract me.

"That is good," I nod. "Isn't that the reason for this party anyway?"

"It is," she nods and sees that I am slightly calmer. "Damian and his future beta are going to come around to all the guests tonight to greet people, but he might also be using this time to sniff out his mate."

"Smart," I nod and stop shaking. "We should head back. I don't want to make you late."

"We will just say I had a dress mishap if anyone asks," Donna said, good at making up lies.

"Alright," I nod and follow her back out to the main ballroom. The place is flooded with all types of werewolves. Some omegas, some betas, and some alphas. I could sense them all, but I wasn't worried. I just had to keep my head down tonight.

We walked over to an empty standing table and Donna told me the names of everyone she remembered. We were both wallflowers, staying away from the crowd, but I didn't mind. I liked hanging out with Donna.

"I need to use the restroom," Donna whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

"I will come with you," I said, starting to walk beside her.

"No, you stay here and guard the table. I will be back in a few minutes," Donna assured me before walking off into the crowd. I turned back to the table and waited, sipping on my drink. 

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