Chapter 25

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Damian had already been gone for an hour now, and my eyes were starting to get tired from reading. I stood up, taking a break to get ready. When I came out I found a note laying on the end table by my side of the bed. 


I knew it was from Donna, but I was surprised that I didn't hear anyone enter. I picked up the note and walked over to the doors leading out to the main hallway. I was pleasantly surprised to see Donna leaning against the wall studying a piece of art. 

"Hey," I smiled and gave her a small hug. 

"There you are," she hugged me back. "I heard you taking a shower so I didn't stay waiting for you in your room. I didn't want to bother you." 

"You are allowed in the room anytime," I smiled, knowing that I would be lost without Donna. Of course, she would be allowed to see me whenever she wanted. I couldn't imagine my life without her. 

"I was hoping you would say that," she smirks and takes my arm. "Now, how about we go get something to eat from the bakery? I heard they are making new sweets." 

"They have their bakery here? Not just the normal kitchen?" I asked, unused to living in such a large place. 

"Your mate is rich," she laughed, teasing me. 

"How are you and Conner?" I asked, wanting to know what my friend had been up to for the past few days." 

"We have officially moved in with each other and I am redecorating our place. He gave me full creative control, but I still like to ask for his opinions so I spent all morning asking him about paint samples." Donna went on to say. 

"That is nice," I nod. "Damian and I are trying to do the same. He is going to have a construction company come and change a few things, so we might go back to staying in the old room I first stayed at when I got here." 

"Nice," she nods as she listens. 

"Also, Damian and I finished the mating bond," I blushed, knowing that was the real tea Donna wanted to talk about." 

"Took you long enough to bring that up," she halted us in our tracks and turned to me. "So, tell me about it. Was it good? Everything you dreamed of? If it wasn't I will kill him." 

"How about we do not make threats about the next Alpha King in the middle of the hallway," I shake my head, laughing at her. 

"You didn't answer my question," she glared at me. 

"It was good," I blushed harder. "He was very sweet and it was better than I thought. Now, can we please stop talking about this in broad daylight?" 

"As you wish," Donna smirked, genuinely happy for me. 

We got to the bakery and everything was laid out on the tables. There was no one in sight, but that didn't bother Donna as she took a seat at the kitchen island and pulled out a fork. "Come one," she pats the chair beside her. "Let's dig in." 

"Are you sure we can eat this? What if it is for someone else?" I asked, unsure. 

"I called the kitchen and had everything made just for us. Don't worry," Donna rolled her eyes and dug into a white cake. She moaned and her eyes rolled back as she said, "You have to try this." 

"Why would you have this made for us? This is too much. There has to be like twelve dishes here." I shake my head but sit down, taking the extra fork. 

"Because I wanted to do something nice and your mate said that I had permission to spend money for your sake." She mumbled the last part, but I heard. 

"Why didn't he tell me that?" I turn to her, confused. 

"Because he knew you wouldn't want all this. Maybe you would have gotten one or two cakes, but you would never splurge. I, on the other hand, have no problem using other people's money." Donna said, overly proud of herself. 

"Still, twelve deserts are a lot," I shrug taking a bite of the white cake. "Oh god, this is good." I moaned. 

"See," Donna chuckled. "I told you so." 

And that is how we ended up spending most of the day eating, drinking wine, and laughing in the royal bakery. Time flew past us and we hadn't even noticed it was nearing seven o'clock. Suddenly the door opened the kitchen and in walked Conner and Damian. 

"Hello girls," Conner smiled, confusion written all over his face. 

Donna and I were currently lying on the kitchen island, just having finished our third bottle of wine. We had moved the dishes off the counter and started to talk, just like we used to at our old pack. Drunk and lying down. 

"Hey," Donna sat up on her elbows, slurring as she greeted her mate. "How wa*as your day?" 

"Not as fun as yours, I see," Damian smirked coming over to my side of the counter. "Beloved?" 

"Damian," I smiled and reached up my hand to caress his face. "You look even more handsome than before." 

"Why thank you," he smirked and helped me to sit up. "How much did you two drink?" 

"How many bottles?" I turned to Donna for the answer. 

She bent over to look at the floor, counting the empty bottles. "Three." 

"Three," I turned back to Damian to answer. 

"Beloved," Damian shook his head, his eyes lit up with amusement. "How about we get you back to your room so you can sleep?" 

"I am good," I shake my head and turn back to Donna. "So, what about that time in the woods when you said you scraped your knee?" I asked her, trying to find out the truth. 

"I lied," she sighed. "I didn't want to tell you that I fell into a human's trap. But I went to see our pack healer before coming to see you because it would have just worried you more." Donna came clean. 

"I knew it!" I shouted in victory. "I knew you were lying, but I didn't know why." 

"Because you would have just coddled me until it healed and I hated that you worried about me so much. I should be the one to worry about you." Donna grabbed my hand. 

"Alright," Conner cleared his throat. "Enough of the drunken confessions, and Donna, we will be talking about this later. But for now, we should get you two to bed." 

"Conner is right," Damian nodded in agreement. "Come on girls." 

"Party poopers," Donna mumbled under he breath as she slid off the counter. 

Damian helped me down, but once I took a wobbly step, I was back in his arms, this time with no escape. "I will take Rachel back," Damian informed his friend. 

"Alright. I will inform the maids to come and clean up down here." Conner nodded as he helped Donna to stand upright. 

"I can help clean," I protested, not wanting to cause trouble. 

"If she is staying, then so am I," Donna said, sounding confident but hiccuping at the end. 

"No one is staying to clean up," Damian said in a stern tone. "Both of you are drunk and really should sleep this off. Let the kitchen staff clean up this mess." 

Donna and I both stayed silent, nodding in agreement. 

Damian and I left first, heading back to the bedroom suite. I stayed in his arms, resting my head against his chest and focusing on his calming heartbeat. Once inside, Damian laid me down on the bed and kissed my forehead, wishing me a good night. 

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