Chapter 24

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I woke up feeling hungry, so I snuck out of bed, leaving Damian to sleep peacefully under the many blankets. I walked over to the door and asked a maid to bring some breakfast. Once done, I went to the bathroom and changed into a comfortable dress. 

Damian was still asleep from the night before, so I went to the library to make sure not to disturb him. Breakfast came soon after and I enjoyed it in silence as I read a new book. I was so engrossed in the book that I jumped when I heard the door fly open. 

"Rachel!" Damian said, seeming both frustrated and anxious. 

"What?" I turned to him in surprise. 

"There you are," he rushed over and pulled me into a hug, crushing the book between us. "I was worried when I woke up and couldn't find you. I thought that maybe you had another nightmare in your sleep." 

"I am fine," I assured him as he sat me back down on the ground. "I was just trying to be quiet and let you rest." 

"Next time, wake me up. I don't care if I am sleeping or not, but I want to be where you are." He cupped my face and looked me in the eyes, showing how serious he was about this. I nodded in agreement and he broke out into a smile before kissing me. 

When we pulled away I offered him the leftover breakfast I had. He gladly took it and I went to order more food, knowing my mate was hungry. I came back into the room and sat beside him on the couch, opening up my book once again. 

"What are you reading?" He asked after a second. 

"The Art of War," I show him the cover. 

"Fascinating," he nods before taking another bite of toast. 

"I saw it on the shelf this morning and decided to give it a try," I shrugged before closing the book, sensing that Damian wanted to do more talking. "What are your plans for today?" I asked, knowing he was going back to work. 

"I have meetings in an hour and then sparing with my brother before lunch. Then I have to catch up on paperwork for a few hours, but I will be back before supper to enjoy it with you." Damian listed off his busy day. 

"Sounds like a lot," I nod. 

"It might seem like it, but today is a rather lighter load than normal," Damian said as he placed the plate on the side table. 

I just nod, not having anything else to add to that. And, I mean, with him being a prince and all, he was right about having a lot of duties. He was going to be the alpha of this pack one day, and that meant he had to work. I understood that. 

"What are your plans?" He asked after a moment of silence. 

"I am not sure," I shrugged. "Maybe read a few books. Find Donna and hang out with her for a couple of hours. Nothing special planned." 

"I wish you could come to work with me," Damian sighed before pulling me closer to him. "I would much rather be staring at your pretty face than looking at a bunch of boring paperwork all day." 

"Awe, that is sweet," I kiss his cheek. "But you have work to do, and I am just a distraction." 

"You are not a distraction," Damian shakes his head. 

"I am pretty sure I am," I said, serious.

"Okay, so maybe I don't get all the work done when I am around you, but you are the best possible distraction," Damian kissed my neck. "And I would give up everything to be beside you all day long." 

"But that isn't an option," I shake my head and stand up. "You should start getting ready now. You have to get going soon and I am going to clean up these plates." 

"Let the maids do it," Damian shook his head. 

"I don't want anyone in our room," I shake my head as I pick up a plate. 

"Feeling territorial are we?" Damian smirked, amused by this. 

"Maybe," I say shyly. 

And I was. I didn't want another woman's scent in our bedroom. I just wanted it to be Damian and I's. So if that meant I had to clean up the dishes or tidy up after myself, I would. All because I wanted to keep Damian to myself for a little longer. 

"That is sweet," he kissed my forehead as he stood up. "But once things start getting busier, you might want to rethink that. You might not have time to clean up all by yourself once you start your duties." 

"Duties?" I looked at him confused. 

"I mean, with you being the future Luna, you will have to start taking classes and learning about our pack. Nothing big. And I will personally make sure you aren't overwhelmed by anything." Damian explained. 

"Oh," I nod but the words are sending my thoughts into overdrive. 

"Calm," Damian placed a hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to think about that for a while. First, you need to settle into your new home. I promise I won't start giving you homework before you are ready." 

"Alright," I nod, feeling a little bit better. 

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