Chapter 7

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I woke up due to the sun blinding me. As I rolled over I reached out my hand, hoping to find someone beside me. As I laid my hand on the empty sheets, I realized it was all a dream. And now it is over.

I groan and sit up, rubbing my eyes from sleep.

In the light of day, I was finally able to get a good look at this room. The bed covers were a dark blue, almost midnight, and everything in this room looked to be more expensive than anything I have ever owned.

I got out of bed, uncomfortable as I realized I was still in my ball gown from last night. Lucky for me I spotted a comfortable cream-colored dress that looked to be about my size.

I walked into the bathroom and changed, shocked at how smooth the fabric was. It was like wearing silk, but it was also warm because fall was starting to come. I twirled around in it once, happy with how the skirt flowed around my feet. It felt like a dream.

Then the realization of what happened last night came crashing down. I rushed over to the joining doors and knocked a couple of times to wake Donna. I heard some noise on the other side of the door before she opened it.

"Morning," Donna smiled.

"Morning," I walked past her and into her room.

"Where did you get that cute dress?" Donna asked as she looked at me.

"I found it on the dresser," I explained as I sat on the

"Oh," she nods and goes over to her dresser. "Look at that! There is one here for me too. Only mine is pink."

"Cool," I nod and fall back onto her bed so I am looking at the ceiling. "So what are we supposed to expect for today? I mean, we have never met the royal family before yesterday and now we are staying in their castle."

"I am not sure," she sits beside me. "But I am sure everything will be fine."

"How can you be so optimistic?" I look at her, surprised by how confident she is right now. It was almost like she knew something I didn't.

"Did you sleep well last night?" She changed the subject abruptly.

"I had a pleasant dream," I admit, not hiding it from her.

"What about?" She turns to me with a knowing smirk.

I hesitate but decide that I should just be honest so I say, "I dreamed of Damian coming to visit me. He lay in my bed and I put my head on his chest. It was the best dream I have had in years. Good thing it was just a dream though because I would be mortified."

"It wasn't a dream," Donna nudged me with a wink.

"No," I sat up in shock. "How would you even know?"

"I was in your room for a while last night, but when your mate came I left you two alone. He came to visit and you probably did cuddled him last night." Donna explained like it was the funniest thing in the world to watch me realize it.

"But that would mean... No. It was just a dream. Nothing more," I shake my head, refusing to think about it any further.

"Deny it all you want, Rachel. But your mate came into your room last night." Donna hugged me and laughed.

"I hate you," I glare.

"No you don't," she stood up and grabbed her dress. "I am going to change."

She got up and used the restroom, giving me time to lay back in bed, closing my eyes to regain composure. I didn't want what Donna said to be true, but if it was I would have behaved myself so I don't cause further embarrassment.

Donna came out a second later and spun around to show me her dress. "I don't think I have ever had such a nice dress before."

"It suits you," I say as I stand up and start making Donna's bed.

"No, you will not make my bed," Donna came over and pulled me away from the bed. "You look too good to be doing chores and we should leave it to the maids. I am sure this castle has many."

"It's my job," I shake my head and roll my eyes.

"Not anymore," she pats my shoulder. "You are the mate of the crown prince. You are no longer a lowly omega."

"That is until he rejects me," I point out.

"Again, he will not reject you," Donna sighs as if she is tired of hearing me talk like this.

"Sure," I rolled my eyes but before I was able to turn back to make the bed, there was a frantic knocking at the door. I looked at Donna, but she seem just as lost as I was.

"Ms.Troy? Have you seen Ms. Roth? She doesn't seem to be in her room." A maid sounded scared and I could hear their heart racing with my senses.

I walked over to the door and opened it with an apologetic smile as I said, "sorry to worry you. Donna and I were just getting ready and talking together." Relief washed over the omega's face as she saw me and then she waved off the guards who were waiting in the hallway.

"Ms. Roth, you had us worried there," she sighed. "I came up to bring you down for a light breakfast. Alpha and his son have already eaten but now the females of the house are eating and you are invited."

"Sounds great," Donna grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room before I could protest. I had no choice so I followed her downstairs and into the kitchen where the maid showed us the food options.

I picked out a plate with a piece of toast, a fruit bowl, and eggs. Donna filled her plate with lots of other things as she was more hungry than I was. I guess I worried the maid because she asked, "Is that enough? If there is something you want then we can have it made for you."

"I will be fine," I said, awkward about being waited on by someone. Normally that was my job.

"Just holler if you want anything," she said before standing back and waiting in silence for something to do.

Donna and I ate, talking about how fancy the table settings were and how large this place was compared to our old pack house. The maid didn't say a word but I could tell she was mind-linking, someone, for a while.

When I was done I picked up my plate and stood, only to have the maid rush over and grab it from me. "Allow me to take that back to the kitchen for you, Miss. Roth."

"I can handle it," I shook my head, not wanting to pass off my work to others.

"Dear," Donna said sweetly. "Let her do her job so you do not insult her. Sit down and enjoy the nice sun and pretty view."

"Alright," I nodded and sat down.

Donna finished and then the maid took her plate and brought it back. When she came back she asked us to follow her to the sitting room. Having nothing else to do, we followed her.

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