Chapter 8

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When we arrived we were shocked to see Kori sitting there. She stood with a wide smile and greeted us. "Hello, ladies. I hope you found the food to be good. I am sorry I could not join you but I was held up."

"It is fine," Donna smiled and we both sat on the couch across from her.

"I am glad you are both here," Kori said with honesty. "I need to ask you about your preferences so we can get all the things you need. You will be staying with us for a while, so we want you to feel comfortable."

"Well we both love these dresses," Donna smirked, talking like we were all friends. "But I do have a passion for makeup and hair so I would love a stylist kit. And Rachel loves books."

"We can do that," she nods. "What types of books would you like, Rachel?"

"I like romance books," I shrugged, unsure of what to say.

"Then we will have a few brought to your room and then you can decide what to keep and what to throw."

"You don't have to do that," I shake my head.

"Nonsense, we want you to feel comfortable because this will be your new home from now on," Kori said as she waved off my worry. "Now how about we talk about the paint colors you prefer."

So we spent the next hour or so talking about rooming arrangements, the castle, and the garden area (that Kori said we must see for ourselves sometime). In the end, Donna was radiating with joy and I was starting to feel more comfortable the more we talked.

We seemed out of the conversation when there was a knock on the door. "Come in," Kori called loud enough for our guests to hear. But based on Donna's reaction I already knew who was at the door.

"Good morning, ladies," Conner walked in. "It is more than lovely to see you."

He came over and planted a kiss on the top of Donna's hand before nodding to Kori and me. "Hello, Conner," Donna said with joy. "We were just talking before you came in. Is there something you need?"

"I just wanted to see if my mate would like a personal tour. I have a few hours before I need to do anything, so I just wondered." Conner said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I would love that," Donna stood up.

"Rachel, Damian wishes to see you in his office. Two guards are waiting outside to show you two rooms." Conner turns to me as he takes Donna's hand.

"Guards?" I can't help but ask.

"Don't worry, they are because Damian wants to ensure your safety. I am sure he will become relaxed and only have one guard around you after a while." Conner tried to encourage me, but he only made it worse.

Donna turned and gave me an encouraging nod, which was enough to get my feet moving. Conner and Donna followed me as we entered the hallway, and instantly I was greeted by two female guards.

"At your service, future Luna," they both said as they bowed.

"No need for that," I said as I was very uncomfortable with people calling me that. "Rachel or Miss Roth is much preferred."

"It is only right to use your title," the shorter one said with a look of confusion as they stood up straight.

"Rachel, please allow them to call you that as a sign of respect to you," Conner whispered encouragingly. When I looked back Donna nodded with a proud look on her face.

"Alright," I nod.

"We shall escort you then," the tallest one with dark brown hair said.

I followed them and eventually, Conner and Donna took another turn, leaving me alone with the two guards. They didn't speak as they walked, and with each passing door, I became more anxious.

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