Chapter 28

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We made it to Conner and Donna's door, and I knocked hoping that they were both awake. Conner opened the door and smiled when he saw who it was. "Rachel, Donna is going to be so happy to see you."

"Where is she?" I asked, stepping into their home.

"First door on the right," Conner pointed.

I walked to the door and knocked, opening it slowly to peak inside. Donna was sitting up and reading a book, but she set it aside when she saw me. "Thank heavens you are okay," Donna smiled and held out her arms for a hug.

I ran into her arms and embraced her, feeling. her love and warmth.

"I am so glad you are okay," I said into her shoulder.

"I am glad you are too," she rubbed my back. "When I heard they targeted you, I got worried that you might be sicker than me. I just feel like I have a stomach bug or something. But I wasn't sure about you."

"I heal faster," I smirked and sat up to look at her. "Now, tell me for real... how do you feel?"

"I feel much better," she smiled. "I felt like I had the flu, then a cold, then a headache, and now I am fine. But Conner won't let me get out of bed. He is worried that I might faint or something."

"Damian is the same way, so I just didn't give him a choice," I smirked.

"Well, climb on beside me," Donna patted the bed beside her. "I am bored and want someone to talk to."

I did as she asked and lay beside her on the bed, looking over her shoulder as she grabbed her book again. "I didn't peg you as a reader."

"There was nothing else to do," Donna shrugged. "Besides, I found it in the bathroom for some reason, so I wanted to read it to understand why."

"Strange place for a book," I nod in agreement.

"That's what I said," Donna smirks.

"How is it going in here?" Conner asked as he stepped into the room. Damian followed close behind. "Anything I can get you two ladies?"

"Water?" I asked.

"On it," Damian nods and walks out of the room, only to return with two glasses of water. He hands one to both of us and goes back to standing by his friend. "Anything else?"

"Nope," Donna shakes her head. "Thanks though."

"We will leave you two to talk. But only for an hour. Then Rachel has to go home and both of you need to sleep." Conner said, being strict.

"Rachel and just sleep with me tonight," Donna said and her eyes lit up with the idea.

"No," Damian and Conner said at the same time.

"Good try," I patted my friend's shoulder. "But our days of sleepovers have come to an end."

"Sadly," Donna shakes her head, pretending to be sad than she is.

"One hour," Damian repeats before he and Conner take off to the other room.

Donna and I chuckle and then we go on to talking about random things. Before long the hour is up and Damian pulls me out of the room, saying that I must rest to feel better. Conner and Donna wave their goodbyes and we take off.

Damian insists I lay back in the bed when we get home, and I don't argue, not wanting to cause a fight between us. Instead, I grab a book and start reading, hoping to catch up on the latest novel in my library.

Damian must be working on some paperwork or something because he doesn't bother me for the next three hours. I can hear him pacing or talking to himself in the office area, but never anything I need to worry about.

After a while, I set my book aside, bored of the slow plot, and stood up to go check on Damian. I walk into the office and see he is sitting at his desk, reading over a stack of papers. "Need any help?" I offer.

He looks up and his eyes soften as he recognizes me. "You should be resting."

"I am bored of 'resting', Damian. I asked if you wanted any help. Or I can go back to reading," I cross my arms.

"Of course, you have been reading this whole time and not sleeping," Damian rolls his eyes. "If you are offering, then yes, I can use help."

"What do you need?" I ask as I walk over and stand behind him, peering over his shoulder to get a look.

"These papers are all out of order and I can't seem to make sense of what they are trying to tell me." Damian leans into my touch, relaxing.

"How are you supposed to know the order?" I asked.

"The first letter of each page begins with the letter of the alphabet. Put them in order and then read them from Z to A and that is the order. But I keep messing up my pile." Damian explains, frustrated with the paper on his desk.

"Strange system," I shrug before grabbing some papers and starting to put them in order.

"It is how we keep classified information from getting out. Each paper talks about the weather, but there are codes in each. But we also have to put them in the right order and read them back to get that order correct." Damian rants.

"Seems like a little much," I squeeze his shoulder to ease his tension. "Let me take a crack at this. You just hand me the papers I ask for."

"Alright," he nods.

"H," I list off the letter. "B, Q, R, S, A, F, G," and I go on and on until I have all the papers in order. Then I quickly shuffle them around so they start with Z and hand them back to Damian. "Here you go."

"You and an angel," Damian kisses my cheek. "I have been going crazy for the past hour.

"It wasn't that hard," I shake my head.

"You have patience. I, on the other hand, don't." Damian took the papers and sat back at his desk going through them. "If you want to help some more, you can always start organizing that stack over there." Damian pointed to another paper.

"Are all your papers like this?" I ask as I pick up the new stack.

"Yes," he sighs. "It's so annoying, but it is how my father has always done things."

"I will get started then," I said as I took a seat across from him and began to silently sort the papers.

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