Chapter 41

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Donna and I had gotten everything I needed to stay for a he whole week. I wasn't sure if I was packing too light or not packing enough, but I didn't want to be in a room that smelled like Damian anymore than I had to.

My heard broke with every reminder of Damian. My head was clouded with dark thoughts. I couldn't see myself without Damian, but if I had to choose between him and my child, I knew which would win.

And even if it broke me, I had to keep going. For my child's sake.

Donna and I had gotten back to her place and she set me up in her guest bedroom. I laid down, wanting to closed my eyes for a while. Donna slipped into the bed beside me, hugging me as silent tears flowed.

"It will be okay," Donna tried to assure me.

"I don't know how it could ever be," I shake my head. I knew crying would not be good for the baby, but I couldn't stop myself. I just missed Damian's arms so much.

"Here," Donna sat up and handed me a cup. "I made some sleeping tea just in case. Take some and it will help you to rest."

I nod and take the cup, sipping on it. It didn't task bad, but I definitely had never tasted something like this before. But just a few minutes later I was feeling my body grow heavy.

Donna took the cup and set it aside as I nestled under the covers and closed my eyes. Once I was well rested, I would be able to think better. So I let sleep wash over me.

I wasn't sure if the time when I woke, but outside looked dark and the only thing lighting up the room was a small lantern. I got out of bed, careful not to wake Donna. I went to the bathroom, washing my face to help wake me up.

My eyes where puffy and red, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get something to eat. I walked back to the main room and grabbed my bag, which had a few cookies stored in it. I nibbled in them as I sat on a loveseat by the window.

Donna moved on the bed, grabbing my attention. "Hey, you alright?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"I am as good as I can be," I was honest. I couldn't say I was good, but the idea of impending doom wasn't so scary now.

"Any news?" Donna was hopeful that Damian might have stopped by. She was always a romantic, so I knew she was hoping for Damian to come and apologize, but that just wasn't the case.

"No," I shake my head.

"He probably just needs more time," she tried to make an excuse.

"Sure," I didn't want to tell her that I didn't believe that.

I went back to looking out the windows, admiring the stars. It was so peaceful that it made me forget my worries for just a moment. Donna started to move around, but she was trying to be quite about it.

"Damian isn't coming," I sighed.

"Don't say that," Donna sat beside me, rubbing my shoulder.

"He didn't want kids. He is too afraid of losing me like he lost his mother. And I can't blame him for his fears. I might be scared too if I had to watch my father grieve his mates loss after giving birth to me." I look down at my hands. "But I already love the pup inside of me."

"As you should," she assures me.

"So, I just have to be honest. I need to speak to Damian. If he doesn't want to be the one to come to me, then I must find him." I stood up and walked towards the door. "You'll be here when I get back, right?"

"Of course," she nodded confidently.

I walked out of the room, heading straight for Damian's study. Rationally, I know Damian goes there when he needs to think. He is most likely hiding there.

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