Chapter 23

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The walk was peaceful, but I was still exhausted from last night... activities. Damian sensed this before I even said anything, and brought me back to the room to rest. I lay beside him on our large bed, cuddling close to him.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before drifting off to sleep. At some point, I felt the emptiness of my bed and started to toss and turn as I felt something bad about to happen.


I heard him whisper.

Daughter, no matter how far you run, you can't escape me. If I can kill that whore of a mother, I can kill you. There is nothing and no one that can stand between us and our destiny. Give up now. Your attempts are futile.

NO! I shake my head. No, leave me alone!

I can't do that. I heard the evil chuckling that I had so long forgotten about. You and I both know how this is going to end. You can pretend all you want, but this is your destiny.


"Rachel!" I heard someone cry out my name. "Rachel, please wake up!" I felt a light nudge, bringing me back, but it wasn't enough.

You are only going to put those you love in danger, so give up. Give yourself to me, and they can live. I promise.

I don't believe you! I shake my head, refusing to believe another lie from him.

"Rachel!" I heard Damian's voice more clearly this time.

I gasped, sitting up in bed, waking from the awful nightmare I was just in. I wiped the cold sweat off my forehead before burring my face in my knees and taking a few deep breaths. I could feel the cold tears as they rolled down my face, but my cries were silent.

"Rachel," Damian said once more, this time slowly approaching me. "Beloved, what... are you alright?" I felt his hand gently lay on my upper arm, giving me comfort.

"It was just a bad dream," I lied and wiped away the tears before he could see.

"That wasn't a dream," he shook his head. "I felt it. Something else was happening." Damian sat beside me on the bed and pulled me into his chest, hugging me close. "Who was that? What was that?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I shake my head before closing my eyes and wishing that this would all go away. I wanted Donna. I wanted her to comfort me and tell me it was all going to be okay.

"Call for Donna Troy!" Damian ordered a servant as he mind-linked them.

I forgot Damian could read my mind, and that means he probably saw the whole thing. No one had so many questions for me. I closed my eyes tighter and just rocked in his arms, trying to comfort myself.

"Rachel?" Donna's familiar voice called my name from the other room.

I stood up and ran into her arms, hugging her. "Donna."

"What is wrong," she cupped my face. "What happened?"

"I had another nightmare," I confessed, unable to hide my tears from her.

"Are you alright?" She asked, looking me over with concern.

"I am fine," I shake my head, trying not to worry her.

"Come, sit down," Donna said, leading me to the nearest couch. She sat beside me and held me close to her, comforting me. "Do you want to talk about it?" I could tell I was worrying her, but I didn't want to relieve it all over again.

"Not right now," I shake my head.

"That's alright," she nods in understanding. "Have you had anything to eat today? Are you feeling hot or cold?" She asked as she reached her hand to my forehead to take my temperature. "Doesn't seem like you are warm."

"I am fine," I pull her hand away. "I... I don't know why it happened."

"It's alright," she hugs me tighter, giving me some of her strength.

"What is happening?" Damian asked as he slowly kneeled in front of me, waiting for me to answer him. "I felt your panic, and I saw images of what you were dreaming about. What was that?"

"I..." I didn't know how to explain.

"It's alright," Donna placed her hand over mine. "He needs to know sooner rather than later."

I looked at her, trying to find the courage I needed to say what I needed to. Instead, I just received an encouraging nod. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves before turning back to Damian. "It's a long story."

"I have all the time in the world for you, beloved," Damian gently placed his hand on my knee.

"I was young when I was forced to run from my first pack. I wasn't abandoned by my parents or anything, but rather forced to flee." I started to explain. Donna reached over and held my hand to encourage me. "I watched my father, alpha of our pack, murder my mother and his mate in front of me."

"Rachel," Damian's voice was weak and filled with pain.

"I cried for someone to help my mother, as she lay dying in my arms, but my father kept everyone back and told me that I had to suffer this pain alone," I looked down at my hand as a silent tear left me. "I had to watch the light from my mother's eyes leave her body," I choked up.

"It's alright," Donna moved her hand to rub my back as she handed me a tissue. "Take your time."

I took another deep breath before continuing. "That night I was locked in my room. Lucky for me, the windows were open. I climbed out and ran, leaving my pack and father behind. Those dreams I have are of him. I fear he will find me and kill me the same way he killed my mother."

I hadn't ever said the last part out loud, because I never wanted to make it true. I thought that if I just kept it to myself, then it would all be in my head. But I needed to tell them. I needed to tell Damian.

"Beloved," Damian reached up and swept away the tears from my eyes. "You are safe. I promise in my life that nothing will ever happen to you. You are safe with me."

"But I don't want anyone else I love to get hurt," I shake my head. "My father is a brutal man. I saw him kill plenty of times before. He is ruthless. And I will be damn if I ever let him hurt anyone I love."

"Awe," Donna squeezed my shoulder. "You don't have to worry about that. You have too kind of a heart. Even with your life in danger, you can't help but think of others."

"I just... I can't lose anyone else," I start to sob.

"Beloved," Damian came forward and hugged me, shushing my worries away. "I am right here. Nothing bad will happen. Those bad dreams mean nothing."

"But what if they are more than dreams?" I couldn't help but ask, feeling there is more to them than just being a dream.

"You are overthinking," Donna hushed away those thoughts.

I sat in Damian's arms for a little longer before feeling myself calm. To distract myself, Damian ordered supper to his room and asked Donna and Conner to join us. Conner gladly joined after I had wiped away all the tears, and we ate a pleasant meal together, not saying anything about my dream.

That night, I lay close to Damian, held firmly in his arm. Eventually sleep took over, but unlike the last time, I didn't have any bad dreams. Instead, I felt more rested than ever before.

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