Chapter 16

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A part of my heart aches as his words echo through my mind. 'Not now' they say. Did I do something wrong? Did he not want to speak to me? Why? Did he finally realize how bad of a mate I would be and now wants to reject me?

"Rachel," Donna's voice was full of pity, which made tears well up in my eyes.

"I am fine," I turned and walked inside, heading back to my room. I wanted to be alone, so I closed and locked all the doors before curling up into a ball and hiding in the corner of my room as the tears started to fall.

Damian's face looked... I couldn't even read his emotions enough to know what he was feeling. Did I do something wrong? Did Luther say something that would change the way Damian looked at me? Was he going to reject me now?

Just when I started to need him. When I started to let him into my heart.

I wasn't ready to be rejected and just the thought of it was enough to send me into a full-blown panic attack. I covered my mouth as the tears flowed, trying not to make a noise. No matter how much I tried to calm my breathing, nothing seemed to be working.

I closed my eyes and rocked myself back and forth, trying to calm myself. Trying to shut out those dark thoughts. It was useless though. An overwhelming sense of fear washed over me and I was trapped in darkness.

I heard a knock at my door, but I didn't have the strength to get up. Instead, I covered my mouth tighter and tried to not make a sound. The knocking continued before a voice called out, "Rachel?"

It was Damian's.

Of course, he would want to come to my room and reject me as soon as he came home. I looked around in a panic, trying to find someplace to hide.

"Rachel, please open the door," Damian asked, his voice giving away no emotion. I couldn't tell if he was frustrated with me, but I was sure he was. I was frustrated with myself.

I covered my ears to try and block out the noise, tears flowing down my cheeks as I silently cried. I pinched my eyes shut as I rocked back and forth. I tried to take deep breaths, but they came out shaky.

"Shit," Damian's voice sounded closer but I didn't open my eyes. "Rachel, hey. What's wrong? What happened?"

I didn't reply. I couldn't. There were no words. I just rocked.

"Get Donna Troy!" Damian ordered, sounding urgent.

What felt like hours later I felt a soft hand touch my shoulder, causing me to flinch away. "Rae, it's me. Donna. Please open your eyes."

I shake my head violently. I didn't want to open my eyes. I didn't want to let the beast out.

"Everyone needs to leave," Donna ordered. "NOW!"

I heard a door close before I felt arms wrap around me. "Rachel, please calm down. It's alright. Please. You are scaring people. Damian is worried. Just take a few deep breaths and open your eyes for me."

I couldn't reply.

"What's wrong? Was it that dream? Was it Damian? Did he say something?" Donna rubbed my back as I started to lean into her. "Shhh, it's going to be alright. I need you to open your eyes though."

I blinked a few times before looking at her. Donna brushed my hair out of my eyes and smiled. "Raven, you need to give back control. You are scaring Rachel." Donna's words were more of a plea, but she also had authority in her tone.

My wolf growled.

"Please," Donna asked in a sincere tone. "Please let me at least talk to her for a second."

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