Chapter 10

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A couple of hours later I heard a knock at our joining room door. I sat up and looked out the window, seeing it was dark outside. I stood up and wrapped a warm blanket around myself before opening the door.

"Rae," Donna gasped as she saw me. "Are you alright?" She came and hugged me.

"I don't want to talk right now," I confessed, turning back to my bed.

"We don't have to talk," she nods in understanding. "I heard from Conner the gist of the story. Damian went on a rampage and tried to gather an army late at night to charge our old pack." Donna seemed slightly amused until she saw my mortified face. "He was talked down, of course."

"Why would he even want to start a war," I mumbled more to myself than Donna.

"Because he heard about his mate," Donna came over and brushed the hair out of my face. "And because... he came to speak with me. I didn't want to lie."

"You told him?" my eyes widened in shock.

"Not everything," she was quick to say. "Just about some things. Like the injuries, the constant disregard for you, and the mean things people said."

"I didn't want him to know," I shake my head. "What if he doesn't want me now?"

"Honey, he was about to kill a pack alpha for you," Donna grabbed my hand and squeezed. "I don't think there is anything that man wouldn't do for you. Why would he reject you if he did all of that just for you?"

I turned to look at the plain wall, not wanting to talk anymore. Donna understood and went over to the other side of the bed and started to cuddle close to me. "It will be alright," she whispered. She comforted me as I lay, wanting to forget about all of it.

I nodded and closed my eyes, letting sleep wash over me once again. I was comforted by having Donna with me and was able to rest. Though it wasn't perfect, bad thoughts stopped coming into my head just long enough for me to let go.

In the morning I was woken by a sharp knock on the door. I sat up and Donna rolled over and hid under the covers. I wiped my eyes and stood up, walking to the door. I opened it just enough to peak out, finding Damian standing awkwardly at the door.

"Damian?" I opened the door a little wider.

"Morning," he nods and clears his throat. "I thought I owed you an apology for leaving dinner so abruptly. I am sorry."

"I am sorry for upsetting you," I returned.

"You have nothing to be sorry about," Damian was quick to say. "I shouldn't have gotten angry and scared you. I needed to leave before I made you more scared of me, but I still left you alone. And for that I am sorry."

"It's alright," I nod.

"I promise to not do that again," he looked me in the eye and swore.

I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled shyly. When I looked down I noticed I was in my nightgown. I crossed my arms to cover up and Damian seemed to notice and look up to give me privacy.

"I should get dressed," I said as I panicked.

"Shall I wait for you?" Damian asked. "I mean if you would like to have breakfast together that is."

"Sure," I smiled and nodded. "I would love that."

"Who is it?" Donna's groggy voice shouts while she sits up in bed, rubbing her eyes.

"It's Damian," I answered.

"Oh," she nods. "Morning Prince Damian."

"Good morning to you too Miss Troy," Damian smirks in amusement. "And while it is just us, you may call me Damian. No need for the formalities."

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