Chapter 4

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A couple of hours passed and supper was served. We sat around at our assigned table and ate before Donna and I left to go to the other side of the room. Donna was getting antsy because she hasn't been able to see Conner again and the bond between them was very strong.

"I don't understand," Donna turned back to me in defeat. "Where has he gone? Why can't I find him anywhere?"

"Maybe his alpha made him eat supper at their table and now he is clearing it. Just give it time," I assured her.

"At least the Alpha Prince and his Beta are walking around. I haven't heard that he found his mate yet, but I heard whisperings that she is for sure here. But somehow she managed to evade his nose." Donna explained, changing the topic.

"You are too into this," I laughed. "Maybe his mate is just walking around the ballroom at the same time as him, trying to sniff him out."

"Maybe that or she doesn't want a mate and is running from him," Donna smirked, trying to come up with a plausible story. "If only you could smell the mate bond. Maybe it's you and you just don't know."

"I doubt it is me," I shake my head at the absurd idea.

"It's a shame you can't smell it though. I guess it is just a part of being a shield." Donna kept going, downing another glass of juice. "It's strange though. I smelled Conner before I saw him. If you have a mate out there, how would you know?"

"I don't need a mate," I remind her. "I have you."

"Of course, you need a mate," Donna blows past my complement. "Mates make you feel safe. Whole. And after everything that has happened, they can make you feel worthy and loved."

"He would just reject me once he found out I am a shield wolf," I remind her, knowing the true outcome.

"You don't know that," Donna grabbed my hand. "You can't think that way."

"Donna, I have come to terms with it, and you should too. Besides, I can just live out my days by your side and I would be happy." I smiled and tried to tell her how it was okay.

A few hours later and a couple of dances around the floor together, Donna and I retire to the couch area of the room. I sit beside Donna and we laugh as we joke about how bad at dancing we are. Donna stepped on my feet so many times my toes were red, and I didn't have a good rhythm. Together we made quite the pair.

"There you are!" I heard Conner's voice ahead of us, which caused both Donna and I to stand. I looked down and avoided looking in his eyes for fear that someone would scold me for it.

"Conner!" Donna rushed to hug her mate. "I was starting to think you had forgotten about me."

"I would never dream of it," Conner said in a smooth tone. "I was just busy. That is all."

"Busy with what?" Donna questions, wanting to know if she had any competition.

"I was just walking around with my friend," Conner explained. "And Rachel, it is alright for you to look up. I permit you."

"Thanks," I smiled and looked up for the first time.

"How were you two enjoying the party?" Conner asked mostly Donna.

"Supper was alright but Rachel and I went dancing and had a lot of fun. Isn't that right, Rachel?" Donna said with a proud smile.

"It was," I nod with a smile, remembering the dance.

"That sounds like fun, '' he nodded. "Oh, there is my friend now. D! D, come here and meet my mate I was telling you about."

Someone came over and I instantly knew who it was because I could feel the overwhelming power radiating off of him. Only someone of the royal bloodline had that sort of power. Which meant D had to stand for....

"Damian, this is Donna Troy from Luther's pack. And her friend Rachel." Conner introduced.

Both Donna and I turned to look at the ground when we felt his power, knowing it was only customary to wait for the royal to speak to you before looking up.

"You may rise," he said with a rich voice.

Donna did first and I slowly started to look up.

"It is so nice to meet you, Alpha Prince Damian," Donna greeted.

My eyes found the prince's and I couldn't help but feel pierced by his sharp green eyes. I couldn't move my body, even though part of me was telling me to run away. And the other part wanted to jump into his arms.

The person standing in front of me was my...

"Mate," Damian said, finishing my thought. 

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