Bonus Part - Huka Lodge (1)

Start from the beginning

"I heard a song like this this morning. It just makes my ears hurt!" I complained when I heard a Spanish song with a fairly fast beat start playing. I quickly approached him, grabbed his cell phone, and changed the song to Vince Gill.

"Mia!!" He is screaming. "Why changed?!"

"Noisy!" I answered while continuing to choose the Vince Girl song. "It's better to hear a song like this, it's more comfortable on the ears," I said after finding my favorite Vince Gill song.

"Hah?!" Marc really didn't accept it. "Songs like this actually make you sleepy! Let's change to a Spanish song!" he said.

"Your Spanish songs are just suitable for parties or having fun with your girls, Marc! In the morning, let me be at peace with country music!" I answered.

Marc grinned. "So I can party with the girls?"

I glanced quickly at him. I said wrong. "I didn't say that," I answered nonchalantly as I continued cutting the sausage.

"Yeah... You said that earlier..." Marc teased me while nudging my arm.

I turned a quick glance towards him. Then looked at him with a murderous gaze. "Just try it if you dare!" I threatened while roughly chopping the sausage that was under my knife.

Marc looked at it in horror, then swallowed his saliva.

"Okay..." he said, his voice trailing off as he shuffled over to the radio and turned off my country music.

"What if there's no music?"

I looked at him annoyed again. Then suddenly Marc put down the knife. Taking off his apron sensually to tease me. Marc walked slowly towards me, then forcefully took the knife I was holding and put it on the cutting board. Then he pressed my body against his body.

"What if you just replace the music with the sound of your moans?" he said teasingly.

I wanted to laugh, but Marc glared at me. Then his lips started to touch my neck slowly. I started to enjoy the sensation. I closed my eyes and started pulling his hair slowly. Enjoy. Marc loves that. With just one movement, Marc lifted my body and placed me next to the sink.

"Do you remember our first kiss?" he asked again.

I grabbed his nape and pressed my forehead against his. Now our distance is very thin.

"I remember, Marc," I answered.

Marc smiled. "At that time I was very nervous, but also happy... Anyway, I was very happy!" he said.

I couldn't help but laugh seeing him so excited.

"Hey, you know this place is huge?" Marc asked again.

I removed my forehead from his and looked around. After the wedding, we immediately flew to New Zealand. We only arrived early in the morning and immediately rested. But I think the place is quite big. So I gave a nod in response to Marc.

"In a place this big it's just the two of us," he said. "What do you think we can do in this place?"

I thought for a moment. "Doing... fun things," I answered, smiling at him.

"Of course!" He smiled broadly, satisfied with my answer. Then he touched our foreheads again. "How about we make love under the tree?"

I gasped in surprise at his words and immediately lowered my head. "You're really crazy, Marc," I said.

Marc still looked at me without a guilty expression.

"In a place as good as this, there are big and luxurious mattresses, why do you want to make love under a tree?! Ah! If that was the case in Indonesia, you could do it! You don't have to go all the way here! You pay a lot of money too!" I said angrily. My mood is ruined. "Never mind. I'm going down! I want to cook! I'm hungry!" I jumped down from the edge of the sink.

Mia is Mine! [Marc Marquez] Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now