54) Final War

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Authors Point of View


Naren groaned feeling his head heavy. He tried hard to open his eyes. And felt it being glued together. His body felt strangely numb but also there was pain shooting all over. His mouth was filled with blood. The wound in his head continued to bleed.

"Look who is up"

He gulped the blood down, and felt like throwing up. His vision kept blurring to see the man who was standing right in front of him. He squeezed his eyes shut and open them again to get a clear view.


"Hello naren"ranjith smiled, folding his hands to the front.

"What-"naren opened his mouth to speak. Instead he spit blood all over the floor.

"Easy man. You still have a little work to do before you die"ranjith said and stretched his hand. One of his men, stepped ahead and placed few papers in his hands.

"Naren Reddy. You know- I always thought you'll be so clever. And I never thought fooling you will be this easy. But thank god. I'm glad that this happened naren. So let me come to the point without beating much about the bush shall I?"ranjith smiled and stepped ahead, waving the papers he was holding in his hands.

"I'm sorry I had to choose this way. I know that property was your dream. You want to build a hospital there, save lives, blah blah blah. But- if I lay my eyes on something which I want, I wont let go until I get it. That property of yours was my dream for ages. Do you know that property actually belongs to me? I used to run a chemical factory over there and it was my first ever buisness. I had everything i wanted naren. That building made me the person I'm today. But the government- stupid government always cared about stupid people, just like you. They demolished and sealed my building. Said that the smoke from my factory killed people. What rubbish"ranjith sighed and sat on the chair opposite to naren.

"I have multiple businesses now and I always chose the path which felt right for me. No one had ever dared to question me. I know I wanted that property. First you snatch it away from me. Then that rajpurohit Sharma tried to snatch it away from me. Who was he? Oh right, your elder sons ex-girlfriends dad. By the way, you should be thankful to me that I sued rajpurohit for you. You know- just because he won't come behind you and stand in my way. I'll always get what I want naren. Today if I build a hospital or factory there, do you know what profit I'm gonna make out of it? Millions. Millions"ranjith laughed like a maniac.

"And you- tsk. I know you're a good doctor but your life sucks. Your children had already left you. Your son's won't even bother if you are dead. As far as I know, they stay away from you. I'm I right? Then it's your wife, and don't worry. Im here to take care of her"ranjith said and his goons laughed.

Naren clenched his fist and closed his eyes tightly.

"I-I trusted you ranjith. I trusted you more than I trusted my children"naren yelled and coughed blood.

"I know naren and I hope no one will ever make the same mistake as you. So come on, sign these papers and make my job easy"ranjith said.

"That- hospital is my dream ranjith"naren said. Tears rolled down his eyes.

"I'm sorry I crushed your dreams naren. I have no time for chitchat. I need your sign in these papers. Now"

Naren sighed leaning himself to the chair. He closed his eyes tight and then looked ahead.

"I guess you're ready"ranjith smiled and instructed one of his men to bring a table.

He took narens blood stained hands and wiped it clean with tissue papers. Naren sat silently accepting what fate had for him. He had to suffer for his mistakes. And may be this was what god had planned. For him to end everything, without having a closure.

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