30) The Fight

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Vennelas Point of View


I was staring at the untouched black tea in front of me. Sana was sitting right opposite to me talking about interns and dean. I was barely listening to her. I tried to put myself together again.

Last two weeks was hard as hell. Shradha was interrogated on Naren uncles case. Our whole family was questioned, including Divya akka and Rajeev bava. They'd flown down from Delhi and had stayed with us for two days. Vibha and Anand shifted to our home too. They seemed to be happy and I could definitely see them moving on.

Jay was doing fine as well. Except that he and Anand had gone to meet Naren uncle when he came out in bail. But he refused to meet them even for once. That had hurted jay so much. Even though he doesn't show his feelings much outside I could sense it. Even Anand too wasn't doing well for few days.

Ever since Jay's and Shradhas past relationship had taken over the social media it was hard for me. I thought it as a mere thing and I thought eventually everyone will get over it. But it didn't. People gave me weird stares around the hospital. They would say things behind our back. The rumours started out as fire and got worse and worse. They started coming out with stuffs like me being the reason for their break up. I didn't give damn about rumours but it did affect my work. Even the senior doctors would quiz me about it. Amma wasn't making it easier for me either. She was humiliated about the things which she heard about her daughter's husband even though she had no right even to feel bad about it.

This sucks!

"You okay?"Sana asked making me come out of my trance.

"Um-yeah you were saying?"I said.

"Vennu come on. They're just baseless talks. Please don't ruin your day by taking them inside your head. You have much more things to do other all this. People talk shit. Get over it"Sana said finishing her cup of coffee. I fell silent for few seconds.

"I don't want to think about this either. But it's just- I don't know Sana. I feel terrible"

"I understand. But we can't change anything can we. We have to wait until the final verdict which is.....?"

"Tomorrow"I said.

"Its going to be okay. Shradha is going behind bars and I'm sure your family will reconcile. That would put an end to all these talks"she said and I nodded, taking a sip of my tea.

"I hope so"I said

"So how is it going with you and Dr. Jay. Still over friendzone?"Sana asked.

"Yeah. Its going fine"I said.

Ever since all this happened, Jay and I didn't spend much time together. We had duties till night and on getting back home we would spend time with Anand and vibha. Honestly I felt a little bad deep inside.

Does he feel same?

"Fine as in? Have you both kissed yet?"she asked and I almost spit my tea.

"What?"I asked in shock.

"What? Not yet?"she giggled. I recalled that day we almost kissed. I felt a warm tingle behind my neck and butterflies bursting in my tummy.

What the hell?

"Sana please"I whined.

"What? I thought you guys has already moved on. I mean I've seen the way he's taking care of you"she said.

"That doesn't mean that he'd moved on. I'm ready to give him time. I don't want him to be with me just because he's forced to. That's why we don't talk about it either"I said and continued sipping my tea.

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